Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Month: October 2009

H1N1 Injection – To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate

I can honestly think of only one thing that makes me feel less than giddy about Fall. FLU SEASON! From a personal perspective, I don’t have a ton of anxiety for my own family when it comes to contracting (and dealing. ughhh) with a flu virus, perhaps because I am equipped with some very basic knowledge (and formal education) on how to prevent such an event.

Parenting – Keeping Your Cool and Then Some…

But really, as parents, we are constantly policing; “Say please. Say thank you. Please look at someone when they are talking to you.” Or in my house, “We’re eating dinner, we don’t STAND ON the table, we sit AT the table!” We are trying to make on-the-spot decisions. Trying to keep our cools. Often losing our patience. Trying to choose the right school, the right camp, the right friends for our kids, the best extra-curricular activities, and the list is endless. Sound exhausting? Welcome to your life, my friends!!!

Off The Fence

Hello Ladies! Today I’m taking a little “me” time. I have a nice day planned,…

Dealing With the “Boss from Hell”

We’ve all heard of ‘em… THE BOSS FROM HELL! Screaming and yelling in an open office environment… placing unrealistic expectations on employees… taking credit for the success and accomplishments of others… constant criticism and denigration of employees… working employees until all hours of the night… lack of appreciation. The list of goes on and on.

David Letterman and Secrets

So, I’m sure by now you have all heard about the David Letterman 2 million dollar sex extortion plot to cover up sexual relations with female members of his staff… hmmm… this is sounding a little “Clinton-esque.” The story goes, a few weeks ago, Letterman found a package in the backseat of his car, left by someone claiming to have information on him engaging in sexcapades with numerous female employees. Threatening to go public if the talk show host wouldn’t pay up the two mill, he was going to uncover the secret. Wow, Davey must have freaked!!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In fact, a lot of research is coming out today on amazing preventative measures we women can take to ward off the disease. Some risk factors for cancer can be avoided, but many cannot. For example, both smoking and inheriting certain genes are risk factors for some types of cancer, but only smoking can be avoided. Regular exercise and a healthy diet may be protective factors for some types of cancer. Avoiding risk factors and increasing protective factors may lower your risk but it does not mean that you will not get cancer (National Cancer Institute).

Off The Fence

The good news… we had our FIRST double sleep-out last night. My kids slept at my parents’ house. Woo hoo!! I dropped them both off at 4PM. My mom took them downtown for dinner, and they all slept in her bed. It was great fun for them. My hubby and I went for dinner at 6PM, were home by 7:30PM, and asleep by 9:30PM! LOSERS! We slept until 8:30AM this morning. It was heaven! The last time I slept 11 straight hours I was a teenager with a hangover. It was AWESOME!

Sometimes Straying From the Path Ain’t So Bad After All!

So with all this hoopla over the unhappiness rates for women, I wonder to myself how many gals are satisfied with what life has handed them so far. How many obstacles and what appeared to be insurmountable road blocks have you pole vaulted right over to get and keep what you want? Life doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would, but sometimes having poor aim isn’t such a bad thing.

Avoid burnout and reclaim your time, energy & balance!

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