Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

The plane has landed. I guess I deserve it. I did, after all, write a blog post called ‘Born Skinny.’ My metabolism, the metabolism that had been overly kind to me for so many years officially retired a few years ago. I think due to overwork! I have since joined the rest of humanity- ass fallen, boobs headed south, beautiful cellulite, and finally the inability to eat whatever I want (that’s the worst part of all). Ahh, the wonderful world of aging. It was great while it lasted. Now I actually have to do something called, **gasp** … WORK.

4 Skincare Routines To Try This Winter

There’s nothing like the cold, harsh weather of winter to dry out your skin fast. The good news is, with the right skincare routine, any skin type can look hydrated and glowing all winter long. But, choosing the right routine is crucial to getting the results you’re going for.

Are you ready to banish dry, itchy, lifeless winter skin for good? Here are four great skincare routines to try this winter! I have provided links that take you further in depth for each routine.

In All the Illusions of Social Media Perfection, Here I Am

#TruthTuesday in effect.

Guys, this is me. I wrestled sharing this, but I am all about authenticity – I think you know that by now.

So, let’s get to it, shall we? I always share with a purpose and for a reason. ??
Last fall, I kissed my son goodnight and we leaned into each other and my nose was smacked hard. I had a nasal trauma, and what was already a pretty ugly nose, got even uglier??

I have wrestled with the idea of shaving the bump on my nose since my early twenties. So, after this incident, I went to a plastic surgeon and asked what could be done for the gonzo honker.

And OMG.

A few things:

How To Embrace Aging and Make Peace With It

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
— Mark Twain

If there’s one thing that no one in this world is exempt from, no matter how rich, how poor, how thin, how heavy, how nice, how evil, how generous, how WHATEVER… it’s AGING. Yes, we are all aging. And we are all fighting it at the exact same rate as the next person. Some will age better, some will age worse, but it’s a process we all must face whether we like it or not.

It’s a topic of conversation with women I meet and coach a lot lately.  Who is having work, who isn’t, how to age happily. And yesterday on Global TV, I discussed it. If you have or haven’t received a little help or needles from Dr. 90210, you still can try any or all of these 4 tips to make peace and help with the aging process.


I was teaching an exercise class a few years ago and a rumor popped up that a man coming to my class and I were having an affair. We weren’t. We barely said, “Good morning.” But he was losing weight and feeling better about himself and feeling more confident, and the gossip started.

I was 43 years old at the time.

Because of the rumors, I presume, he started going to another instructor’s class.

She was in her early 30’s.

I heard, “So now he’s going to a YOUNGER instructor! That’s even worse!”

Springtime Is The Perfect Time To Create Your “Mom Cave”

It’s spring! Spring is about spring cleaning, renewal, regeneration, reorganizing.

What if I said, spring is the perfect time to create your own Mom Cave? A MOM cave you say? We’ve all heard of THE MAN CAVE, where men go to decompress, have a beer, watch the game, or porn, whatever. But a mom cave? And I’m here to tell you– yes, yes, yes!

Now, the concept behind the man cave goes back many years, and stemmed from the idea that when a man came home to his wife and children, he first needed to go to his “cave” to decompress after a long day. But with more and more women in the workforce, contributing financially, and frankly, just downright exhausted and needing more “me-time”, more women are craving the same decompression time and cave time that men crave.

The Closing of #WomensHistoryMonth and Beginning of Springtime

Given that it’s #WomensHistoryMonth, I was asked to participate in this photoshoot to celebrate the magic that happens when strong, boundary pushing women get together. This is only a small portion of the inspiring women who were in that studio on that wondrous evening (full photos below), but it was a true testament to how powerful the vibe of our tribe really is. We had women from all walks of life. Restaurateurs, doctors, mathematicians, real estate moguls, writers, jewellers, designers etc… Thank you to Monique Weston for bringing us all together, staging us, and to the incomparable Sasha Onyshchenko/Kravetz Photographics, your work is MIND-BLOWING.

Gang’s all here. This photoshoot is part of a much bigger conversation, which will unfold in the next little bit… but for now it’s exciting to be part of a message that highlights what happens when brains and beauty meet. When strength and confidence shatter ceilings. When we are effortlessly ourselves, open, raw, and ready to seize opportunity. Intelligence is sexy. Nobody in this group accepted the bare minimum life had to offer, and nobody ever should. Together we can move mountains.

On The Fence About Cosmetic Procedures? Facebook Live with Dr. Sandra McGill

So, back to my fun announcement. I had the great privilege of being included in a spring photo shoot of inspirational women in Montreal in honor of Women’s History Month, and met an incredible woman there, plastic surgeon Dr. Sandra McGill.

Sandra and I got into a conversation about women and beauty today. I told her I am choosing to age naturally – I haven’t had any work done to my face or body, but that I sometimes feel like the oldest looking 42 year old around my community. Many of the women I see look truly fabulous – smooth faces, fabulous lips, awesome eyebrows. I have wrinkles around my eyes, cellulite behind my things, large pores and bad skin, but I’m trying, goddammit, I’m trying. I eat well, I sleep a lot, I practice yoga, and I practice good self care. Isn’t that enough? For me right now, it is.

But I am still curious, and I know many of you are too, because you’ve written in that you would like to read blog posts on options available to help preserve your youth and vitality… with a little help. Wink wink.

My New Beautifying Regime

If you recall back in August, I accounced that I was thrilled to collaborate again with Lancôme. I had had a magical trip representing Canada at the Lancôme 80th anniversary in Paris a couple of summers back.

Having watched my mother take precious care of her beautiful peaches and cream skin my whole life with Lancôme products, Lancôme to me always represented a strong woman, with true inner beauty.

And so I continued that tradition, and have been caring for my skin for the past 15 years with Lancôme creams, gels, washes, masks, and makeup too.

I wasn’t blessed with my mother’s flawless skin, so I have to work extra hard. I really do. I exercise, practice mindfulness, drink a lot of water, practice and teach yoga, and really take care of my skin. I can honestly say, even in my college years, I never went to bed ONE NIGHT with makeup on. I just have always had to work harder – God didn’t give me the best skin!

Avoid burnout and reclaim your time, energy & balance!

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