Welcome to the home stretch of 2012. Another year down- CAN YOU BELIEVE? This year was, without a doubt, an interesting year. As has become somewhat of a yearly tradition on WomenOnTheFence.com, for the new and old readers, I recap our year.
It was a year filled with many highs, many frustrations, many triumphs, and many tears.
Let me explain – from January right through to December…
I showed you how to make a vision board to map out your 2012 goals, dreams and visions. You were game.
There were Hangovers N’ Hockey. You seemed to enjoy this one. 😉
I became a Spokesperson for my favorite software, Microsoft Office. I had been on them for two years, and they finally believed in us in January, 2012. It felt good.
I went on national TV explaining why January is a great month to tune up your career, and how to do it. It was well received.
We learned the top 5 regrets people have as they are dying. It was powerful beyond words, and made us all take stock of our lives.
We learned how to keep the passion alive on Valentine’s Day.
We lost a great legend and songstress at 48 years young, Whitney Houston. Gone too soon.
We heard one woman’s candid story about trading her career for mommyhood. It struck a chord for many.
Fifty Shades of Grey took the world by storm, and completely changed my marriage. For the HOTTER 😉
I made a little confession about Spanx creator Sara Blakely. Some of you agreed with me, some did not.
We learned how to “avoid the incompetent princess syndrome.” You liked it.
I became a Spokesperson for a line of self-esteem dolls, showcasing a Brand trying to empower and inspire young girls to grow up to become future leaders, and make a difference in this world.
SHIT, I FINALLY MET OPRAH!!!!! And learned a ton that weekend too. This post is worth your time.
I became a Brand Ambassador for another Brand on my wish list… Dove. And traveled to Canyon Ranch with them only to bring back some powerful life lessons. There, I truly found myself.
I met and interviewed one of my favorite female entrepreneurs, Arianna Huffington. We have stayed in touch since. She gave us some great entrepreneurial insights.
I spoke about my multiple failures, and why it’s good to fail. Many of your related.
I wrote a letter to my mother on Mother’s Day, for I owe her more than I can express in words.
I chose my favorite post so far on this website. It was written by a rockstar named Prerna Gupta. I encourage you to read it. It’s wisdom packed on a page.
We learned why being a morning person could be the secret to our success.
My youngest son graduated from pre-school. It signaled the end of an era. And I cried.
I shared my entrepreneurial advice in Woman’s World Magazine.
I started a second website – Erica-Diamond.com and you ladies helped me choose the picture.
I shared my frustrations. And then let me freak flag fly!
SHIT AGAIN!!! I WENT POLE DANCING (and discovered that Jewish girls don’t pole dance very well).
I discovered the secret to fighting stress, anxiety and overwhelm. It was game-changing.
I rocked out with my buddy Shannon Tweed and her hubby Gene Simmons of Kiss. It was KISSTASTIC!
I shared another incredible experience out of my comfort zone at Blogher (our annual blogging conference).
WomenOnTheFence.com celebrated its 3-year BLOGIVERSARY and got the most magnificent wishes from some special peeps.
We admitted, that at one time or another, we’ve all been shitty moms.
Hurricane Sandy devastated the east coast. We saw the coming together of people everywhere. From tragedy, comes unity.

We saw one of my heroes, Lance Armstrong, fall from grace. It was controversial, and for me, very sad. You had a lot to say.
We watched a 3 minute video that made us feel different about our own lives.
Our hearts broke as we read Connie’s disturbing story about her six-year-old son being bullied.
I went back on national tv to discuss my experience with burnout, the warning signs and how you can avoid it.
President Obama became the president for a second term
I gave birth to my second book proposal.
And what you don’t know is, we are in the VERY early stages of development for a TV show loosely based on the blog.
So, as Women On The Fence and I approach the end of an exhausting, but exhilarating year, I challenge you to join me in chasing your dreams. And what I mean by this is, exactly what I tweeted this morning: “I quote my grandfather, who had a wise saying– “No one ever drowned in their own sweat.” We all have the ability to get what we want, if we’re willing to get up off the comfy couch, and work for change.”
Most of us aren’t handed life on a silver platter, but that doesn’t mean our lives can’t be gold. We create our platter of opportunity, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Life is about the choices we make. And that means, you hold the key. You hold the power in your choices.
So, as we embark upon a new year, I urge you to remember that life IS a choice. You can choose to be happy, and put your best foot forward in the face of adversity, or you can choose to sink and go down without a fight. I hope that you’ll put your best pair of Rocky Balboa gloves on, and fight like hell for your happiness. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this roller coaster journey called life, it’s that anything good is worth fighting for.
I don’t know how to fully express my gratitude for everything you have taught me. You have become, in the true essence of the word, my second family. Peace and love, success and happiness for 2013, my lovely ladies.
(Please note, the horrific tragedy in Newtown occurred after this post was written, explaining why it was not included. I did however write about it the same day, here).
Oh what a year indeed. Thank you for always motivating and encouraging us to do better. Happy holiday to you and your family.
Well said. You deserve a year like this.
I think this year has been good. Womenonthefence has been a perfect guide for me with the amiable Erica taking the lead. Next year is soooo going to be better.