MANIFESTING – it was a big word in 2022
How to manifest something into existence? We’re supposed to Trust in the Universe. Right?
Well, guess what?
You don’t just wish for it. That’s not how manifestation works.
You’ve gotta WORK to manifest. As Britney told us, You Better Work, Bitch.
Destiny isn’t chance, it’s choice.
But first, what is manifesting? Manifesting is the practice of intentionally creating what you want.
With the approach of 2023, how do we manifest what we want into existence? Here are 5 steps:
- Release limiting beliefs. We can’t manifest goodness in our lives with a scarcity mindset and limiting beliefs. We must work on releasing limiting beliefs. How do we overcome limiting beliefs? One strategy is called thought challenging. Thought challenging is about challenging our negative thoughts, some of which we sometimes take as fact, even when they’re not necessarily true. Thought challenging is finding out how we can balance a negative thought with a more healthy one.
- Get crystal clear on what you want. Spending time alone and journaling helps this process. WRITING IT DOWN is critical to planning it— and then later on, MANIFESTING it.
- Spend time each day EITHER THINKING about your goals or WORKING on them. Thinking counts too. Visualizing – it all counts. As Jay Z says so well, “I believe you can speak things into existence.”
- Hustle and flow
This is the WORK AND WAIT portion.
Work and then patience.
Work hard and THEN we surrender to the MANIFESTATION flow.
This is where we work on what we see, a little bit each day.
Bonus step
- Get out there to meet new people. Attend as many networking events, conferences, get togethers, people-filled gatherings as you can. Be open to talking to the guy on the subway. Commit to being open-minded on this. Once you know your goal, the law of attraction will help you meet random people in random places. Except, it’s not so random. You see, once you’re crystal clear about what you want, you will attract those people you need who will help propel you closer to your goals. Yes it’s real, and it’s spectacular.
I can say as a manifester, it always happens this way.
Sending you love on your journey,