I have been waiting to share some great news with you. And it’s great because, it involves YOU, my fabulous readers!
You know that working with Brands is a big part of what I do. And when I align myself with one, it has to be the perfect fit. I have to share the vision. I have to believe in the vision. Otherwise, it won’t work, and I won’t put my name behind it.
But today, I am proud to announce my alliance with Dove® on their “Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul Campaign” and I am inviting you to come along with me to Canyon Ranch!!!! Yes you heard right! Canyon Ranch ladies. End of May. Arizona.
Why I jumped at the chance to work with Dove, is their message to women. Dove® is committed to helping all women realize their personal beauty potential. Dove® believes that beauty should be for everyone, and that every woman deserves to look and feel her very best. When I first saw their self-esteem campaign, I knew I wanted to work with them. Watch this.
But this campaign is focused around the central theme of nourishment. Dove® Body Wash with NutriumMoisture® is a breakthrough formula that gives a deep hydrating nourishment to your skin. The theme of the trip is also nourishment and that connection between Dove® body wash nourishment, and the nourishment of you mind, body, and soul at the Canyon Ranch Resort® retreat. Sounds heavenly, right?
In case you didn’t know, for years now, Dove® has been the #1 Dermatologist recommended brand. Only Dove® has NutriumMoisture® to nourish your skin deeply – nourishment is better care for your skin vs. moisture alone. Nourishment helps build and maintain beautifully softer smoother skin. NutriumMoisture® is a technology that combines effective moisturizers and skin essential lipids that absorb to rebuild your skin’s own moisture and beauty, caring for surface skin 10 – 20 layers deep.
Alrighty, now let’s get right to the details:
Dove® Nourish Your Soul Contest
Timing to enter the contest: March 28th until April 22nd, 2012
Prize: 4 grand prize winners will come along with me and receive a nourishing getaway at Canyon Ranch ® Health Resort and Spa in Tucson, Arizona on May 25 – 28, 2012.

The Canyon Ranch® Experience:
May 25th to May 28th 2012
Where? Canyon Ranch® Health and Wellness Resort, Tucson, Arizona.
Each Grand Prize includes an itinerary with activities like:
• Individualized consultations and treatments
• Yoga and meditation
• Wellness activities and workshops
• Travel, accommodations, meals, a Dove® gift bag and keepsakes from the stay.
How to Enter:
Go to www.facebook.com/dove and click on the SKIN Tab at the top. Click on “Enter” and register for to be entered into the contest.
How to Win:
1. Enter the contest.
2. Share the contest with your friends on Facebook to earn bonus entries. This is the best part! Share the contest with your friends to earn extra entries!
3. Each friend you invite who enters through your link gets you a bonus entry, increasing your chances to win.
How Dove Will Judge the Winner:
The winner is based on a random draw. (See full rules and regulations: http://www.dove.ca/en/docs/pdf/nysrulesandregs.pdf )
Ladies, I am so excited about this, and I encourage you to share this with your girlfriends (there are tons of sharing buttons below)!! I wish you all GOOD LUCK, and I look forward to nourishing my soul with you in May at Canyon Ranch in Arizona.
I am also giving away 3 bottles of Dove® Body Wash with NutriumMoisture® to try! To nourish my soul, I religiously take a nightly bath (with lavender) when my boys go to sleep. It’s my daily “me time,” which is sacred. Tell me, how do YOU nourish your soul? Leave a comment below to win a sample of Dove® Body Wash.
What an amazing opportunity! My in-laws just moved from Tucson. Such a beautiful place filled with sunshine. To nourish my soul I meditate daily. It took me one month to get the hang of it, and now I couldn’t live without my meditation practice.
I take a long hot shower. Then curl up with a cup of tea or glass of wine & read a book. Me time. Blissful.
What a great contest! I take a hot bubble bath & take walks around the lake…
Dinner with my girl friends nourishes my soul.
Yoga nourishes my soul. I couldn’t live without my yoga.
awesome contest! You go girl!
Amazing!!!! I am going right over to enter. I hope I win! I could use a spa getaway.
Glad you’re all excited. I am too! Don’t forget to enter at the Dove page. Good luck!!
I’m going for it!! Woohoo!! Hope I win! 🙂
Congrats Erica!
Wow! This looks such a cool competition! Sadly I am in the UK so cannot enter but the Dove feature is a great article. I love Dove as a brand, we have it here in the UK and it is well known and respected. Would love to have a comp like this one running here!
Sorry about that Zoe. Thank you for taking the time to read. 🙂
Heading over right now to enter and sending all my friends too! This looks unbelievable!!!!
Dreaming of the ranch!!!!
Going to canyon ranch would really nourish my soul!!
It would be great to get away for a few days and relax. 🙂
To nourish my soul I have started yoga and thoroughly enjoy it. I am enjoying the health benefits as well as the sense of calm that it gives me. Cheers to a trip to a Canyon Ranch Arizona.
Wow, nice photos! It ltlaoty looks like backdrop paintings or a BG shot from “Cars”:). In fact, right when your blog loaded I was thinking WHAT! For a second there I thought you had made some “grand” painting until I realized it was a photo. It’s really beautiful and I bet no photo or painting can do it justice. Just one of those things you have to experience for yourself. I’m definitely gonna make an effort to go there on my way to Cali, when that day comes.Thanks for sharing and have a splendid day:)Hans
Would LOVE to win – it would be my birthday weekend!!!!!!!! 🙂
Hi Erica,
Sounds like it would be a very relaxing and mind-nourishing trip, as well as a body-nourishing experience. I nourish my body daily with Dove® beauty bars and my hair with Dove’s Intensive Therapy shampoo and conditioner. Can’t wait to try the Dove® Body Wash with NutriumMoisture®. I hope I get the chance to personally meet you in Tucson at Canyon Ranch.
Wow. I’m lying here on my bed waiting for my kids to stop calling out…hopefully soon…and envisioning myself at that spa. That would be incredible. A welcome and needed retreat for sure. I nourish my soul by putting some relaxing music on my iPod and going for a walk somewhere green and peaceful. If I have the chance, I follow it up with a luxurious bath and a glass of wine.