I should not be showing you a premature website (it’s not ready yet), but I give you Erica-Diamond.com.  As I wrote in a previous post a few weeks ago, it is something I have been wanting to do for a while. Here is an except from that post:

“Blogging as you know, is not the only thing I do. As an Entrepreneur and Success Coach, I have a Business Startup Book for women, I am a Keynote Speaker, I have a Coaching Business, I am a Brand Ambassador, and so I thought I would give my business side, its own website. Simple, clean. I therefore need a picture for the top banner and I would love your thoughts. The tagline to the new site is “Erica Diamond Inspiring Success.” If you could kindly write your choice below 1,2,3, or 4, I really appreciate your advice. What picture best depicts Erica Diamond, Success Coach?”

Well, you chose that picture, and here is a screen shot of Erica-Diamond.com.

Or click on image to take you right to the new website.

I truly appreciate your feedback.
