Good morning and Happy Canadian Long Weekend Victoria Monday!
I’ve wanted to compile this list for a while. Today I’m spilling the beans. Many of you have asked me over the years about my favorite self-care ‘things.’ The things I do, the things I love, the things I can’t live without, the things that have kept me healthy and sane (on most days). So, today I wanted to share with you 15 things I simply cannot live without:
1. Music
I play music when I wake up, when I work, when I cook, when I drive, when I…. never mind. 😉 You have asked me countless times to share my playlist. So, here you are. This is my work, play and everything in between music. It’s a hodgepodge of songs, it’s as random as I am. 😉

2. My Keurig

I simply LOVE coffee, and for all those trying to cut it out of their diets, you may as well SHOOT me if I do. I don’t have many vices, and my limit is two cups a day: one cup while I’m feeding the kids breakfast, and the other cup after my workout, or while I’m working, also in the morning. My favorite flavor is Green Mountain‘s Nantucket Blend. I can’t always find it in the grocery store, but when I do, I stock up. My ultimate favorite coffee is Douwe Egberts (which is very difficult to find and which I have discovered out only tastes good if you actually OWN the Douwe Ebgerts $5,000 percolator from England), followed by Illy.
3. Meditation
Don’t laugh, it’s my drug of choice. I used to quietly sit and meditate using breath only, but past few years, I really enjoy guided meditations. My favorite apps are Insight Timer (I teach on this platform), Breethe and Relax & Sleep Well. Download them, lie down on a bed or a couch, close your eyes, and breathe. It will change your life. It has changed mine – read more about how I found meditation.
4. As many hours of sleep before midnight as possible
Countless studies show the health benefits of sleeping as any hours as possible before midnight, but I have been living this way my entire life. If I am home, my bedtime is 10pm latest most nights. This has been my secret weapon. If you wish to feel more energized during the day, program your body to go to bed 10 minutes earlier each night until a pattern develops.
5. The Period Tracker App
Oh my goodness, ladies, this one is a must! I won’t give you all the intricacies of the app, but whether you’re trying to get pregnant (congrats by the way), or trying to avoid getting pregnant (like me), this is every girlfriend’s best friend! I learned about this app on a girl’s night. A must.

6. My Foam Roller

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique. It will help you relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation, and increase your joint range of motion. Foam rolling is a weekly part of life – and you can add to your warm-up or cooldown, before and after exercise. There are even apps that show you how to foam roll. It helps with cellulite, circulation and just feels oh so good (but not always at first!)
7. Early Date Nights
During the weekdays, it’s hard to speak to Hilly for more than 15 minutes. Dinnertime is about connecting as a family. And you already know my bedtime is 10 latest (this doesn’t make for a happy hubby), so one of the ways my marriage thrives is via date night. Whether we go out or we stay in, it’s how we reconnect as partners. But, the key to date night is starting EARLY. What’s the point of date night if you start and end late with no time to spare? The beauty is returning home early, getting into bed together, and still having time to connect – be it watching tv, talking, reading together, or the grand finale– ’nuff said. Early date nights – a must.

8. My Vitruvi Diffuser and Bliss Essential Oils (and Nightly Bath!)

Without fail, a bath this happens. Soft music, candles, the works. It’s how I de-stress and unwind 365 days a year. It’s never missed and a huge priority for me. I call it my daily “me time.”
Before bed, without fail, my Vitruvi diffuser is going on my nightstand with 8 drops of Bliss Essential SLEEP EASY blend it in. It knocks me out for the best sleeps!
9. My ‘Drink By The Hour’ Water Bottle

This is how I get my 2L of water in each day! It guides me all day starting at 7am! It’s honestly life changing if you aren’t getting enough daily water intake… which is CRUCIAL.
10. Moroccanoil

Moroccanoil, man! So good! My mom turned me onto the original Moroccanoil years ago. I rub a little bit into damp hair after I wash my hair (or even onto dry hair to keep it moisturized), and it keeps my hair in excellent condition. I also use their shampoo, conditioner, and hair spray when I need it. Don’t ask me how or why… if you want luscious hair in great condition, use this product.
11. Staying Active
So, it’s true, I had a pretty decent metabolism most of my life (until about a decade ago). I have been active my whole life (I started out as a ballet dancer and then ballet teacher), but since the slowdown of my metabolism, the key to staying healthy and happy for me, has been MODERATION and SWITCHING IT UP. So contrary to most experts who say you need to burn baby burn, and “no pain no gain,” I aways work out moderately (pre-covid at the gym, and now at home). I never max myself out – but it feels better on my body when I give it my all, and not my max. Yes, maybe I’ll shed some more pounds (or cellulite) if I max out, but I’ve never had an injury, and I just feel healthier this way. I also never do the same exercises each time – some days strength training, some days yoga, pilates, HIIT, TRX, core, spinning, walking, running. I work out about 5 days a week even if it’s just for 15 minutes, and I keep every day different. That’s how I stay interested, and fit too. I think moderation just works.
12. Yves Saint Laurent – TOUCHE ÉCLAT – Radiant Touch

Thank you to the amazing team at L’Oreal years ago who turned me onto this beauty secret. Got tired eyes that need brightening? Yes, this little miracle worker in a tube is the answer. I love this before I go on Global TV to brighten my eyes, or simply if I have a work meeting and want to “freshen up my face.” It’s one of the best beauty secrets. It even can act as an under eye concealer on its own.
13. Oscillococcinum and Oregano Oil When I’m Sick

Feeling run down and like you’re about the get sick? I buy the children’s version for my kids, and the adult version for Hilly and I. This dynamic duo, for my own family at least, kills whatever viruses are brewing in our house.
14. My Dry Brush

Dry brushing exfoliates your skin, helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. Also, by unclogging pores, it’s easier for the body to sweat and eliminate toxins in your system.
I dry brush before the bath every night. Here’s what that looks like. 😉
15. The Constant Reminder that Thriving in Life is about CHOICES, Compromises and Trade-offs
I coach women around the world and the biggest complaint I hear is, “I’m exhausted and over-stressed.” As a working mom, believe me I am tired too, but when I feel depleted, I remind myself that life is a choice. Meaning, you are in control of your life EVERY SECOND – you call the shots. If you are on the brink of burnout, figure out where you can cut-back financially in your life and work 4 days instead of 5. Feel like a human pretzel? Answer NO the next time you’re asked to co-chair an event at school. Do you see where I’m going with this? You always have choices – remember that.

So there you have it! There are about 20 more things I can’t live without, but maybe another day I’ll write part 2. I also want to leave you with my favorite quote on this Monday. It’s by a wise man, actor Alan Alda.
“Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You cannot get there by bus, only by hard work, risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful: Yourself.” ~Alan Alda
Beautifully said.
I’d LOVE to know, what are some of the things YOU cannot live without? Share your best secrets with our community!