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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

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Month: January 2011

My Story

I debated whether or not to share my story. Many of you will wonder why I am sharing it. My goal is that by the end of this post, you will understand why I have chosen to share my journey– one that is still in progress. I’m scared. I’m scared shitless. And I’m praying.

CAbi Scoop Fashion Week

As a Blogger, you can imagine the amount of free swag n’ stuff that gets sent my way. But the truth is, I rarely accept ANYTHING. When I started this Blog, it wasn’t to do product reviews in exchange for “stuff.” It was a place where women who were sitting on the fence, much like myself, could come together, unite, vent, learn, laugh, and get off the fence. It wasn’t to receive free gifts– I can buy them myself. But when I was invited down with four other Bloggers to CAbi Scoop Fashion week in Nashville last week, I said yes. “Why?” you might ask, “Why would you care to go to a fashion show?” Well, I do love fashion, so confession number one, that was a little incentive. I also enjoy meeting other Bloggers whose Blogs I read. It always ends up being a jolly ol’ girly time… that was reason number two. But the real reason, was the woman behind CAbi– Carol Anderson, a visionary and entrepreneur.

Sexy Quirky Marriage: Do You Have One?

If you’re married or in a relationship, perhaps you have quirky parts to your relationship. Perhaps you and your partner have little sexy things you like to do. Perhaps you’re the quirky one and he’s the serious one, as in my relationship.

Check out the episode of Mommy To Mommy TV I Co-Hosted with Kimberly Blaine in L.A. at Sony Studios on the set of CBS’s Rules of Engagement.

erica cbc radio

Radio Debut

I’m thrilled to remind you that tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19th, 1:00 -1:30PM will kick off my weekly radio segment where we can talk business! You will be able to CALL ME with your business start-up questions and I will answer them live, on air. And it’s not just for women. IT’S ALL START-UP and that includes MEN too!

Starting Wednesdays 1:00 -1:30PM, I will be the Weekly Business Start-Up Correspondent for The Kim Fraser Show, on CJAD Talk Radio, AM 800. You can also listen live

5 Steps To Self Care – Who’s Taking Care of You?

Self-care is one of those; “I should but, I could but, I would but,” areas often neglected by us busy women, moms, wives, sisters, friends, nanas, caregivers, business owners, and employees. I constantly see this issue addressed, not only because it’s my area of work, but it is also frequently a topic of discussion in many women’s magazines. So why is this area of concern so overlooked and underutilized? “I don’t have time” is the answer I hear most often.

An Honor

I was shocked and thrilled to see this posted on Twitter last night. Suzy Welch, author and wife of Jack Welch, famous businessman and former Chairman & CEO of General Electric, posted this about my new book, 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Starting Their Own Business.

And for those that asked, no, I never sent her a copy of my book. She bought it off Amazon herself and then surprised me last night.

Being A MOMpreneur Is Big Business

So it’s 2011. Maybe your kids are all in school now, and maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get creative – in every sense of the word. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to society. That’s you’re going to contribute to your household income. That’s you’re going to leave your high stress job in search of flexibility and balance. Maybe you need to work for financial reasons, maybe you don’t. But one thing is for certain… MomPreneurship is big business.

Wordless Wednesday

I’m ready for a successful 2011. I love new beginnings. Tabula Rasa – a clean slate to start over and make it right.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” ~Maria Robinson

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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