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Month: February 2017

Mixing Business With Pleasure

I am reaaally excited to show you this today.

Most of my readers know I am the Brand Ambassador for LE CHÂTEAU, so when we decided to showcase how this brand actually takes me from dusk till dawn, from 9 to 5 and beyond, I was game! Plus today is #FashionFriday, so let’s get right to it…

Financial Abuse – The Invisible Weapon

I understand wanting to stay at home with your children when they’re young, having wished for it myself. Like most new moms, when my three months of maternity leave was over (all of it unpaid by the way!) and I had to go back to the office, I was devastated. I couldn’t fathom the thought of leaving my son for an hour, let alone a day. I wanted more than anything to stay home and be with my baby. I would have done nearly anything to be a stay-at-home mom. Financially, however, it was impossible for my family. Trust me, I did the math countless times, and being a banker, I was good at math!

Wordless Wednesday: Fifty Shades of Sleep

So, this is my romantic honey last night during Fifty Shades of Grey’s second film in the trilogy, Fifty Shades Darker. He said, “They make you wait three years in between the first and second movie so you forget how bad it is!”

Oh c’mon.

For the record, I snapped this in the first five minutes. After that, he perked right up all movie long. 😉 It was quite a sub-par movie, but of course I LOVED every minute of Christian Grey it. There were parts during the movie where the audience started laughing– it was as if you were watching the SNL version of the movie! But nevertheless, it was a perfect Valentine’s Day evening activity. And that soundtrack, oh that soundtrack.

How To Get Your Marriage Sizzling For Valentine’s Day And Beyond!

Happy almost Valentine’s Day!

I like how relationship expert Colleen Long uses the “chocolate/broccoli” analogy. Our long term, loving, secure relationships are the “broccoli.” They are the things that, if we stay committed to, consistently over time grow us up. They make us healthier, more evolved, more balanced, well-rounded individuals. However, chocolate comes along in life (just like opportunities for affairs) and tempts us with ideas like “How wonderful would life be if I could just eat chocolate all the time?” or “This must be the thing I was meant to eat all my life.”

Aging, Body Shaming and What That Means for Us All

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
— Mark Twain

If there’s one thing that no one in this world is exempt from, no matter how rich, how poor, how thin, how nice, how evil, how generous, WHATEVER… it’s AGING. Yes, we are all aging. And we are all fighting it at the exact same rate as the next person. Some will age better, some will age worse, but it’s a process we all must face, whether we like it or not.

Tough Conversations

When I was a freshman in high school, my basketball team was small. In fact, it was so small that we didn’t have a freshmen or JV team. My coach was tough. He had high expectations and conducted physically and mentally demanding practices. I suited varsity, but only got in the last minute or two (if we were winning by enough). Essentially, I only had the opportunity to play in practice. However, I battled, knowing that next year could be my year.

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