So, if you’re a parent, maybe you wanted to know some of the hot parenting trends we’re seeing so far in 2015. Some may seem obvious and welcomed (getting back to old school values), others some may seem odd to you.

If you were curious, I did a TV segment yesterday on 6 Hot Parenting Trends of 2015.
Take a look…
1. Creative and Educational Play
Toys for the sake of simple play are out, ladies. Educational toys – both in apps and real life games are in! Learning can be fun in 2015. Some are so innovative and creative, parents might enjoy them more than their kids! Educational apps, educational toys, all very today.
One in five moms admit to taking brelfies, or breastfeeding selfies. Like? Dislike? I’d love to know your thoughts.
3. The return of retro birthday parties
Forget about breaking the bank and turning your house into a scene out of Legoland. A few chocolate cupcakes, a big blanket in the park and some good ol’ fashioned fresh air is back in style. Back to our roots. This couldn’t make me happier.
4. Mindful parenting
Mindful parenting is the art of being aware and being truly present and in the moment with your child. In a world where we are constantly reachable via our smart phones, and where it’s easier to just quickly reply to an email while playing with our kids at the park, a return to mindfulness is a trend I’m happy to see back in style. The new research on mindfulness and the positive benefits for parent and child are significant. Mindfulness is known to lift mood and fight stress.
5. Hosting a pregnancy test PEE PARTY
Yup, you guessed it. We’re all pregnant, we’re all friends, let’s get together, bring some wine or champagne, a bunch of pregnancy tests, pee on a stick together and either celebrate our pregnancy (2 lines) or commiserate together (1 line). Yes, this is a thing. No eyeball rolling please.
6. Donating to toybanks / toy drives
This is wonderful.
I’d love to know what you think about these trends. On a sidenote, my husband just signed my son up for his first cell phone line yesterday. I’m all like, when did we get here?
Nice one. also i have a good article here
How having a coffee break can be helpful