This week, as Halloween approaches, we’re all about masks. Ghosts, goblins, and superheroes come out to play, and everyone has permission to slip on a new face and embody something – or someone – else. But as I think about the masks we wear on Halloween, I’m also thinking about the ones we wear the rest of the year. The ones that may not be as colorful or as obvious, but are still very much there.
The mask of “I’m fine”– the one that smiles on the outside while hiding the exhaustion inside. Or the quiet disguise that says, “I’ve got it all together.” We all have these masks, don’t we? Especially as women. We wear makeup to hide our tired eyes, we smooth out our hair, and we filter our photos to mask the imperfections.
But what are we really hiding?
Why do we feel the need to present a polished, perfect version of ourselves? Is it because we’re afraid of what others might think? Or might it be because we’re afraid of admitting the truth to ourselves?
Let’s be honest (‘cuz that’s what we are around here) – vulnerability is hard. Showing up as our true selves, with all our cracks and flaws on display, can feel like standing naked in a room full of people. And that’s terrifying! But here’s the thing: when we strip away our masks, we create an opening. We invite others to do the same. It’s through vulnerability that we build true connection.
Imagine a world where we allowed ourselves to be seen as we are – tired, joyful, stressed, hopeful, messy, human. Imagine the strength that comes from that honesty. By showing up in our truth, we allow others to feel safe in theirs. Vulnerability is contagious, and it creates a ripple effect. One woman removes her mask, then another, and before long, we’re all stepping out from behind the facades we’ve been hiding behind for so long.
Halloween gives us the chance to play with identity, to transform into something else for a night. But maybe this Halloween, we take it a step further. Let’s use the spirit of the season to reflect on the everyday masks we wear – and consider taking just one off. Share a piece of yourself that you normally keep hidden, even if it feels scary. Because while it may feel risky, there is so much power in authenticity.
So here’s my invitation to you: Embrace a bit more of your real self this week. Show someone the part of you that isn’t perfect, that’s a little vulnerable, that’s beautifully human. Share your story, your struggles, your victories – all of it. It’s through this kind of bravery that we create a world where we’re seen, loved, and accepted for exactly who we are.
This Halloween, let’s go beyond costume. Let’s remember that real beauty lies in the truth. The truth of who we are and the strength it takes to share that with the world. It’s in the quiet courage of saying, “This is me, take it or leave it.”
That’s how real change happens. One courageous woman at a time. So, let’s celebrate our sisters and cheer them on as they step out from behind the masks. Because we’re stronger, together, when we are WHO WE TRULY ARE, FLAWS AND ALL.
Happy Halloween!