After a LOT of hard work behind the scenes for many, many months, I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book!! LIST YOUR GOALS Journal: 100 Lists To…

After a LOT of hard work behind the scenes for many, many months, I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book!! LIST YOUR GOALS Journal: 100 Lists To…
Click the image above to start reclaiming your time and energy! I’m really excited for you! Check your inbox after clicking ‘YES PLEASE!’ and you will have a little roadmap to daily…
I must be unconsciously thinking about my mortality this week, because Wednesday’s Blog was about aging, and now I’ve created my Bucket List. I watched the movie “The Bucket List” last night, and cried for two straight hours. What a fabulous movie. But my bucket list, (everything I want to do before I “kick the bucket”) is really a Hodge Podge of the realistic, the possible and the improbable. I wanted to share mine and encourage you to make your own. Maybe it will get you off the fence about something you’ve been sitting on for way too long. Call it a bucket list, but really, all it is, is the 25 Things I want to do before I die. And I ain’t on the fence about any of ’em. Here they are, in no particular order (ok maybe Oprah and Ellen are at the top for a reason)…