Hello, it’s been a week since I’ve been here. HOW YOU DOIN’?
Judging by the many I’ve been following on social media, not so good.
Last week, I promised to share what I’ve been up to. But first, I need to get the election off my chest. Therefore, to catch you up, today will be one big BRAIN DUMP.
My feelings in my social media updates this morning:
This is what Americans wanted – CHANGE. We now have to get over the shock, accept this new reality and pray that this guy can assemble a good entourage. Praying for a great America.
Another thing- First Lady Michelle Obama to Melania Trump. That is almost like the biggest disappointment of all. You can say what you want about Barack as President, but Michelle is a role model to girls in every way as First Lady. That single transition is very sad and disappointing for me.
MARK CUBAN: We all need to give President-Elect Trump a chance. Support the good. Lobby against what we disagree on. No one is bigger than us all.”
And finally, one post I saw on Instagram that describes things oh so well:
“Even in darkness it is possible to create light.” Shoshana Gruss backed up her Elie Wiesel Instagram quote with: “The sun rose today and so shall we. #RiseUp #NeverLoseHope”
I pray for my American friends. I woke up shocked and scared, I feel lighter now. I see light, I feel hope, and I think it’s all going to be okay.
Anyhow, I’m getting back into the swing of things after I’ve been flat on my back for 9 days. It all started when I was speaking at the Maddy K Inspires Women’s Retreat. I think it was a culminating moment of stress and my back gave out on me. The day I was speaking.
A beautiful weekend of inspiration for women in Montreal, I drove 45 minutes out of the city to speak. I made it through my talk, and also listened to some other amazing speakers.
Some memories of last weekend, when a bunch of empowered women got together to let their guards down, and self improve.
Some highlights to share:
- Freedom comes when we can release our demons and not feel shame anymore. That’s when we can begin to heal.
- When I am living in the moment, when I can BE HERE NOW, I can enjoy life to its fullest. But when I relive the past, or worry about the future, it robs me of the present moment. It’s as if the moment never even happened.
- When I am feeling stressed or anxious, I can try the 4-7-8 breathing technique to refocus and calm my mind.
- Sometimes you need yoga, sometimes you need wine, and that’s both okay. 😉
- “When you truly don’t care what the hell anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of FREEDOM.”
- Women are afraid to ask for what they want. They are afraid to ask for the raise, afraid to speak up. We can only change that if we all bravely take the step forward, together.
- The 10% Rule: We should save 10% of our gross income for later years.
- By sharing your story, you can literally change another life. You can also heal yourself in the process
I am reminded every time I speak, or attend someone else’s talk, that I am fueling my own mind, body and soul, to then in turn be able to fuel those around me. We must not ignore our own urges and desires. WE CANNOT GIVE FROM AN EMPTY CUP. And that was actually how I ended my talk.
So, that was last weekend.
This past weekend culminated in one of the highest highs of my 41 years. My eldest son’s bar mitzvah.
The memories live vividly in my mind, and he made me a very proud mom.

Happy Hump Day, ladies. In a day that may look uncertain to many, a little call to acceptance and action.