Ladies, it’s so great to be back!! I’ve missed this community more than you can imagine. Some laugh at me, as I enjoy spending most of my days alone. But in truth, I don’t feel alone at all – I consider you my friends. I consider this community of rockstar women my tribe, my peeps.
Where shall I begin? Well, I was busier in July than I expected to be, but it was all good. I rested my blogging mind, and tried to give my undivided love and attention to the things that matter most to me… my family, my home, my body, and my wine. 😉
I basically ate my way through July (and put on 7 pounds), and decided yesterday to get back to spin class, and end this party. When you’re on vacation, and you spend most of your days in shorts and bathing suits, you have no concept of weight gain… there are no jeans to provide the reality check. But, as I ATTEMPTED to get back into my jeans last week, and the DEEP RED VISIBLE MARKS WERE CUTTING OFF MY CIRCULATION, I decided enough was enough.
So, August is here. I won’t even say what’s aroud the corner (ahem, back to school), and I am making a concerted effort to lighten the load even through August to seize the summer moments. I’m cutting myself some slack, and working smart.
So here we are, I give you July in picture.
The days proceeding sending my big boy to sleepaway camp for the first time. The two loves of my life.I kept at my weekly parenting segments on Global TV that I absolutely love. Thank you Le Chateau for the great looks each week!I reminded our Facebook community about the falling down.Full circle moment: My mom teaching my 6 year old son how to waterskii on MY WATERSKIIS FROM WHEN I WAS 5 YEARS OLD!The benefits of giving your child an opportunity away from home – they flourish on their own. My shy son in the camp play.I gave myself the gift of healthy meals when I could, even if my family wouldn’t eat it. I took care of ME for once. Gourmet for ONE. 😉I had alone time with my mini man, since my eldest son was gone for one month.I shared one of my most favorite sayings from actor Alan Alda. It takes my breath away every time I read it.I went all out and shared this fabulous photo in our Facebook community. NO KIDDING, WE ALL HAVE THIS BUTTON! 😉One moment in July in my home office. I love being a mompreneur and am grateful to be doing what I love.I was mentor at the Women In Tech Tent at the International Startup Festival. It was absolutely brilliant.I met some incredible startup entrepreneurs at the International Startup Festival who are doing great things for women– these gals started Go check ’em out!I snapped the Bar Mitzvah shot.I shared some alone time with my wonderful mom.I found this candle in a store, and though I didn’t buy it, it really does depict who I am. I am loyal to a fault, and while this trait has hurt me at times, it has helped me more.I received a beautiful tweet on Twitter from a follower which really made me smile.I attended the Montreal Fashion and Design Festival. Great fun.More red carpet at the Fashion and Design FestivalWith a Montreal legend fashion reporter, Eva Friede, at the Fashion and Design FestivalTHE REUNION: I captured this moment as we were reunited with our boy. This is the second my son saw my husband. I think it says everything. I lied in bed and watched him breathe that first night home.The family back together after a month apart. Us in front of our son’s bunk at camp.The only evidence of my son hugging me, which he never does in public. I’ll take it. 😉 Enjoying camp the day we picked him up.The first supper together: Little brother beyond thrilled to have big brother home. I LOVE this picture. His face says it all. But I think the feeling lasted 5 minutes. 😉On to Maine with the kids and some lobsterMaine ButtThe boys on the beachWhile in Maine, I discovered possibly the greatest hat in the world. And am killing myself that I didn’t buy it.Enjoying my man in MaineWhen it rained in Maine, we drive to Boston and took the kids on a tour of Fenway Park. They were in heaven.Happy Fenway ParkersOf course while in Boston for the day, we took them to visit Harvard, and they rubbed the foot. Love this Harvard superstition – you rub John Harvard’s foot for acceptance into Harvard. Ha!Happy brothers
And that was July in nutshell.
As I return back to the grind today, and as I just finished a business meeting to discuss an invention that lives in my head, I am reminded that every day is a new beginning. That if your yesterday was not what you had hoped or expected it to be, each new day brings a brand new chance for us all.
So if you have high hopes for yourself, which I hope that you do, let me leave you with one final reminder.
Welcome back! We missed you and are glad you are back in action.
The end gave me the chills. Another great post.
welcome back, we look forward to you continuing to blog 🙂