Hello, I’m back. Happy 2019, beautiful ladies.

I’m normally back on the Monday after the kids return to school but I’m back today instead, as life has it, I was in New York attending my aunt’s burial.

This past Saturday morning, my young auntie (62), my second mommy, passed away. Monday morning, I flew to New York to say my goodbyes. As luck would have it, they cancelled my 6:30am flight as I was getting to the airport at 4:30am, and so I missed her 9:30am funeral. Desperate and crying to the lady at the Air Canada desk, she gave Hilly and I the last two seats on the 8:45am flight, and when we landed, we darted to the cab line, and told the cab driver to drive as fast as he can to the cemetery. It was iffy at this point if I would make her 11am burial.

With my aunt watching over from above, all of a sudden, we saw what looked like a procession line 30 minutes into our drive and I recognized my aunt’s good friend driving in her car. I told the cab driver ‘that’s the one!’ and to scooch into line. I am still pretty sure we are the only yellow cab in the history of funeral procession lines. But I made it just in time to throw earth on my auntie, and say my final goodbye before they put her into the ground. FUCK CANCER.

My Auntie Debby wasn’t just my aunt, or a registered nurse, or a yoga teacher, or my matron of honor at my wedding; she watched and helped me grow, as you can see through these photos. She was the kindest, most compassionate and caring human who always put her family first. She leaves behind that legacy of her hard work and love she put in to everything she did. 

The world is a much emptier place today without her in it.

May her soul Rest In Peace. I will never forget her.

As you may have noticed, I did not check in once while on my blogging hiatus, nor much on social media either. I felt badly for not connecting with you these past couple of weeks, but my head was in New York with my aunt, and I wanted to spend time with my family too, and give them my attention.

I went down to Miami on vacation with the end of pneumonia, so I didn’t exercise at all – I didn’t spin, I didn’t go to a yoga class. I simply walked in the sun, and swam, and practiced a little yoga by myself.

I shared this image and caption on social media as we rolled into 2019, and I would like to share it with you…

Today we close another year. We say goodbye to 2018, we put it to bed, and say hello to a new chapter— 2019. 

Many are thrilled to put 2018 behind them. Others can feel apprehensive about rolling into a new year. 

When I feel anxious, or not at ease, or surrounded by negativity, I get on my yoga mat to refocus. Did you know that you carry a lot of your emotional stress in your hips? For a great hip opener (and therefore emotional stress reliever), try pigeon pose (you can Google how to get into the pose safely, and speak to your doctor first if any health concerns), or sleeping pigeon as I am above for an even deeper hip opener. Take 5-10 deep breaths, then switch sides. 

And then instead of making resolutions tonight, try setting intentions. Goals can be limiting— intentions set us up to be our best selves all year. Setting an intention helps you build an entire lifestyle based on the core idea of becoming the person you want to be. 

Happy New Year. I wish you health, happiness and purpose. 

So, before I invite you to set your intentions for 2019,

A few highlights from the holidays I would like to share:

A joke told from my baby. Please ask me if he understands it. Pretty sure he doesn’t: ‘What’s the difference between a condom and a tire? One gives you a Goodyear, and one gives you a great year.’


He also said to me,  “Mom, can you Teddy Pendergrass the lights.” Meaning, ‘Turn off the lights.’ 

Okay, that one’s funny.

I also purchased earplugs for the first time. Hilly was snoring from a cold that he caught from my pneumonia. They’re like, Godsent. Any snoring people in your bed? EARPLUGS!!

I have never slept better in my life too. Why? The wifi signal didn’t reach my bedroom, so I therefore had no screens at all before bed for two whole weeks. It was a next-level epiphany. NO BLOODY SCREENS BEFORE BED, PEOPLE, IF YOU WANT TO SLEEP SOUNDLY.

A girlfriend and I were talking about the imperfections of our children and she said something smart, “The world is gonna tell my child she’s terrible. So, I am going to be the one to build her up.” I thought that was really smart.

Well ladies, that’s all I’ve got today. I’m still feeling very emotionally drained, sad, and not at the top of my game. I wish you a magnificent start to 2019. As I wrote above, I would like to invite you to set your intentions for the new year. “When you set an intention, you are activating your receptivity and manifesting and putting out that which you intend to attract and call into your life, and that is the power behind it.” 

Feel free to share your intentions with me.

Hugest hugs,

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Erica Diamond


Teaching women how to prioritize SELF-CARE, Erica Diamond is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Lifestyle and Parenting Correspondent on Global TV, Founder of Bliss Essential (BlissEssential.co), Professional Speaker, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss (BusyToBliss.com), Author of the women’s entrepreneurial book 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Starting Their Own Business, and Founder & Editor-In-Chief of the Award-Winning Lifestyle Platform EricaDiamond.com® (previously WomenOnTheFence.com®). Erica Diamond has been named to the coveted list of The Top 20 Women in Canada, FORBES Magazine’s Top 100 Sites for Women and a Profit Hot 50 Canadian Company. Erica Diamond was the Spokesperson for National Entrepreneurship Day and is a Huffington Post contributor.