Happy Monday! I am still on a high from an incredible weekend. I was the closing keynote at the brilliant Mompreneurs Conference in Toronto on Saturday. These 300 women fueled me, they gave me so much more than I gave them. Whenever I speak, I am reminded of why I love what I do.
As you can see, I started in the blazer, and then ditched it. It’s not cuz I’m hitting 40 soon, I am just always HOT!! Ya know those women who are always cold? Yah, never.
The weekend was complete by coming home to my three delicious men Sunday morning, and the celebration of International Women’s Day – one of my favorite days! If you didn’t read Friday’s post, read this about five trailblazing and inspirational women you should know more about. They are making a difference in their communities and around the world.
I loved this and shared it yesterday. As the saying goes, “I just hope we all make it.”
Since Monday is a great day to implement and start new regimes in your life, I wanted to reach out to all our mommy readers today. On last week’s Global TV segment, I talked about the ins and out of chores and our kids. Age appropriate chores by age, how to engage them, involve them, get them started, etc.
Here we go…
I’d really love to turn the conversation over to you. Do your kids do chores? Are you on the fence about implementing chores in your home? Would you like them to do chores? Do you tie chores to allowance? Please share with our community below!
Thought this photo was, well, interesting… 😉

I would love to send you a whole book about this subject! (just send me your address!)
We created an awesome weekly family tradition in 2000 with our four children. We clean our whole house as a team each week and end with a family time. It didn’t take long for our kids to demand we “do Team Clean” each week. It became their special night they looked forward to. Over the years, our kids learned how to clean, and sooo many more life lessons. We (the parents) never argued about keeping up the house or ever felt like it was all on one person! Everyone is working so it is fair (and almost fun) It’s family bonding at its best (and it ends with a clean house (yay!) Definately the way to go!! http://www.TheTeamClean.com
Getting the kids to do chores? The answer is you can’t. But you can withhold TV, internet, video games, tablet, and other electronics until the chores are done. We have only one computer in the house, and it’s in a room where we can see what they’re watching. They need one password to turn it on, a second password to use the internet, and a third to unblock certain sites, like facebook, which are off-limits to all our kids.
We also threw away the TV before our oldest was born. Our kids never get the gimmes. They don’t see the adverts on the TV, so they don’t ask us for anything. Their rooms are bare, like cells.