Procrastination is not laziness, as we so often equate it to. It’s more often than not, much deeper.
Procrastination can be a trauma response that highlights the deeper psychological complexities that lie behind our delayed action.
While laziness implies a lack of motivation or effort, procrastination often stems from unresolved emotional wounds or traumatic experiences from our past.
Trauma can disrupt our sense of safety, self-worth, and control, making it challenging to engage in tasks that trigger discomfort or fear. Procrastination therefore becomes a coping mechanism, providing temporary relief from the distress associated with confronting challenging situations.
Now here’s the important part: if we can therefore understand procrastination as a trauma response, it emphasizes our need for compassion and self-care, as well as the importance of addressing underlying emotional wounds to promote our healing and productivity.
Before you beat yourself up every time it’s hard for you to complete tasks (or even begin them), please instead offer yourself grace and compassion. It might be deeper than “laziness.”
If this is resonating with you today, I have a way to move through it.

I share this concept for my Busy To Bliss coaching program students when they get to Module 3, our Time Management Module.
I share how procrastination keeps so many people stuck, paralyzed and held back from starting on their goals and dreams (whatever those may be).
Here’s the news flash on getting unstuck: it doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be started— because movement creates momentum which creates progress.
So if you have struggling to get off the fence and finally get to those things you’ve put on the back burner for too long, remember… you don’t have to to get it right, you just have to get it going.
Give yourself permission to be a beginner at unlearning procrastination.
Heck, give yourself permission to be a beginner at AT ANYTHING (even dream chasing), and then improve as you go. Learn as you go.
Let me know if this spoke to you today,