Last night was a big night. I made myself a warm cup of tea, and settled in to watch the election results. Yesterday marked a big day for my province of Quebec- Election Day. We elected a new Premier to lead our province. The first female ever actually, but one who feels Quebec would be best run as its own country. Yes, COUNTRY. Pauline Marois would like Quebec to separate from the rest of Canada. This is who we elected as our new Premier.
Unfortunately in many ways, things went wrong.

If you’re unfamiliar with Quebec politics, I am not going to get into it here. But basically, in a province where Francophones and Anglophones could live so peacefully together, where we could thrive and prosper as a culturally diverse and unique mecca, embracing two vibrant communities as one, instead we live with a lot of divisiveness, separation of cultures, and animosity. That is the sadness that is Quebec politics.
If you’ve ever been to Montreal, you might agree we have one of the most beautiful, AND coolest cities in the world. And I am not alone. Jay Baruchel, actor and Montreal resident best known for his roles in Almost Famous, Million Dollar Baby, Knocked Up, and How To Train Your Dragon, feels the same as I do.

We were chatting on Twitter last night, and Jay told me he’s been nervous about the election for the past month. I asked him why? Why care so much about Quebec politics- as an actor, his career depends so little on the political climate. Why be so nervous about the results when he can live anywhere?
I confess, his answer made me tear up a little.
I love this guy. On a side-note, read his Twitter stream from the past 12 hours. Pretty awesome.
So after the Liberals were outvoted with a minority government in place led by the Parti Quebecois, the evening took a frightening turn. An armed man in his early fifties, in a blue bathrobe, entered the Montreal building where Pauline Marois, our new Premier of Quebec was giving her acceptance speech and opened fire, shooting two people.
It was a scene out of a movie… Pauline Marois being whisked off the stage by her security team.
One man has died. What a tragedy.
All I can say is, watching Michelle Obama at the Democratic Convention was a breath of fresh air after what went on here last night.
In case you missed it, watch here…
Today, there seem to be a lot of questions. Quebecers left wondering what our province will look like going forward.
But despite these questions, it’s business as usual. The wheel still turns.
I’d love to know, what are your thoughts on the election results? Are you on the fence about anything? What do the results this mean for the future of this province? How can Quebec live in harmony and respect the rights of both its anglophones and francophones? Why can’t we embrace our similarities instead of our focus on our differences?
I love to learn about the politics and culture of our sister country. Just amazing what went on last night from both sides. I watched Teddy Kennedy in his own words was amazed at some of the trauma that comes from change and the fear it creates in so many, we have suffered a lot to make great, long lasting changes. Good luck with your changes in Quebec Province!! Change is always difficult because it is new and makes us grow in ways we aren’t sure of, but it is always worth the journey!! Well done!
I held my breath last night as the numbers started to come in. It’s not a great situation but it could have been worse. I was expecting a PQ majority. You’re right it’s sad that we can’t live peacefully in such a beautiful place that is Quebec.
It was a pretty scary week. Though I voted, I didn’t wan’t to watch results last night, and witness the divide politics spreads amongst us. Marois’ victory wasn’t the result of conviction of the people that separatism is the answer. For many, there wasn’t a fair representation of ‘non-separatist’ parties. Yes, I still love Montreal and find this province beautiful throughout, being fully bilingual is a asset, etc … but is it stressful to constantly be on the verge of divorce!!
My thoughts on the Quebec election.
The wheels on the bus go round and round and we can be thankful that the PQ’s only got a minority government.
I was at Foreign Affairs in the 90’s when the whole issue of Quebec separating from Canada raised its ugly head. The program I represented was awareness of safety and secuity while travelling abroad.
When asked (in Quebec city) if Quebecers would require a separate passport if they separated from the rest of Canada, I answered absolutely yes, with their own foreign currency and btw no more federal funding transfers from Ottawa. My superiors were not happy with my less than diplomatic reply; but Quebec can’t have it all.
I am a girl from Chambly, Quebec that grew up beside French Canadians and have been speaking French since I was four years old.
I remember when Montreal was the business centre of the country and I also remember being very happy to move out of Montreal and to Ottawa in 1979.
I love Quebec and I love Montreal, but what are those folks thinking – obviously they are not. I was hoping that the old brigade of hard core separatists were a dying breed, but sometimes I just shake by head.
If anyone loves the state of Canada’s prosperity and economic standing why in the world vote for a government that would send our dollar spinning downwards, bring hate and fear into the arena and leave Quebec worse off than it already is.
Anyways that are my thoughts just off the top of my head.
What a sensitive subject….I sure hope that things will get better so that our kids can grow up in a safe environment without having to fear to express their opinion in whatever language they want.
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