We’re back with another one of Erica’s Favorite Things! If you like the Women On The Fence brand, then you will love these inspirational tees, called So Lucky To B Me. I have been wearing them the past few months and I LOVE them! I have them in black and white, they fit incredibly well, and they have a beautiful message too. You also know, I love womenpreneurs.

Andie Graff, the founder and creator of these inspirational line of girly tees, has a story to tell. Here is Andie’s story….
“I believe that in this wonderful world, we all have so many reasons to feel lucky. Yet, everyday it is beyond easy to slip into forgetting who we really are and we buy into the notion that we are not good enough, not smart enough, not tall enough, not fast enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, not rich enough, and more.
If it’s your best day ever or one of those days when the best you can do is get yourself out from under those covers, (and we ALL have them) then take it!
After a life changing event I found myself raising my three children, two beautiful daughters and a wonderful son in a time and fashion where I feared that the messages that were being put out there could chip away at the very core of who they are, their unique gifts and their self esteem.
In 2008, “So Lucky To B Me” became much more than a statement to me. This company was born from a decision that I made to “fight back”, stand on my own two feet and create inspiration and encouragement for women of all ages and sizes, with personal messages of empowerment to wear proudly. I chose to use soft and comfy tees as the canvas for my original messages.
While I too have had and continue to have many struggles and setbacks throughout my life, I have been very fortunate to intuitively get and to never forget that no matter what is going on “I am so lucky to be me”. I believe that my past may have influenced who I am today, but that I am responsible for WHO I will be not who society wants me to be. I also believe that hidden deep down we all know this to be the truth about ourselves, that we are so lucky. That our value should not be determined by our age, the size we wear or the color of our hair. Every now and then we may just need gentle reminding.
My hope is that you slip into your new shirt, and love it! Then live your life smiling, laughing, giving, believing in you, dreaming your dreams, loving and allowing yourself to be LOVED. Trust in all that is good and most of all know you are so lucky to be YOU because you are MORE than enough.” ~Andie Graff
Their emblem is on almost all of tees tees. If you are wondering why this logo, here is the explanation.
I can’t believe I didn’t think of this business first! LOL!
So with spring now upon us, check out these great models…
The back of this black girly tee says the following:
I believe that where I have come from and what I have been through may have influenced who I am today… but ultimately I am responsible for who I will become and where I will go from here
The back of this white girly tee says the following:
My strength has been tested…yet I am strong, My faith has been questioned…yet I believe, My courage has been doubted…yet I fight, My spirit has been broken…yet I hope , I believe that I am brave enough to fight, I trust in my faith, I am courageous enough to persevere, I will remain strong in the face of fear, I wear my scars with pride and grace, I am So Lucky To B Me Because I am a Survivor…
The back of this blank peace tank says the following:
I am accepted for who I am, I am influential, tranquil, secure, protected, focused, courageous, and loved, I am peaceful… my peace comes from within.

Honestly, when I wear my So Lucky tees, I feel like I have a good luck shield protecting me. Plus they look great too! 😉
Here I am in mine right now…
To see all the models and learn more about this brand of inspirational and empowering tees that I love, visit www.SoLuckyToBMe.com
Guess what? Andie is giving away 3 So Lucky To B Me tees to 3 lucky random winners! Just tell us, WHO or WHAT inspires you, and leave your answer below. Remember to enter your email address so we can advise you if you win. We will draw the winners Friday, April 13th.
This post is sponsored by So Lucky To B Me Tees
I love these t shirts! I’ve never seen them before. Will check it out.
Maya Angelou inspires me.
These tees have a great message. My aunt is my inspiration. She is a two time breast cancer survivor and her strength and spirit have inspired me to be more appreciative of what I have.
My father, who never went to college, yet has gone on to accomplish amazing things at his company inspires me the most.
My children inspire me to be a better person every day!
My mother inspires me to be a better person every day. Even through times of struggle and heartache, she has taught me to smile through the rain and persevere as a better person. I am a huge fan of these T’s because of their message of self-respect and acceptance.
Congrats Andie on both style and a wonderful message in these t-shirts. I’m inspired by my children. They teach me everyday about laughter and love.
So many inspirations, so little space in which to write! I find Hillary Rodham Clinton inspirational. She is intelligent and capable, and she never let her gender stop her from showing and using her intelligence and capabilities. Hillary, regardless of party affiliation, represents effort, education, and success.
Thank you all LOVE hearing your thoughts! Stay empowered and inspired women. Luck always, Andie
Many people inspire me from yourself to Jennifer Lawrence (Actress in the Hunger Games) but one of my main inspirations is Bethenny Frankel. Bethenny had a tough upbringing and struggled throughout her adult life with different relationships, insecurity, rejection from work and not being able to pay her rent. Yet here she is today, a self-made millionairess with a loving husband and a beautiful daughter. Bethenny’s motivation, hard work, no-nonsense yet relatable persona really inspires me. She inspires me to work hard. She inspires me to be myself, no matter what. She is a great role model for women everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re 40 and single or if you’re 40 and having a child. There is no age limit on this stuff.
The one person who still inspires me from day 1 meeting her is Erica Diamond! A woman who is fierce in business, and an amazing mother, wife, and friend! He door is always opened and her life never waivers.. Keep inspiring us all E, we love ya girl! Michele
I am most inspired by the song, “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. This song very timely came into my life in March 2009 when my struggles with body image and feeling like I lacked purpose began. Upon first hearing that song, it immediately struck a chord in my spirit and has been my hope and lifeline ever since. The clear message in the song is “Faith Can Move A Mountain.” We all face unforseen battles, troubles and hardships that seem impossble to overcome. I thought I would never be able to escape my self-depreciating thoughts but The Climb gave me hope. I often feel stuck, but the song states, “Keep on moving, keep climbing, keep the faith.” With that, I have learned the importance and desire to keep moving forward, despite obstacles. It is easy to wish the battle away, but what you learn in the process shapes who you become in the end. It defines your faith and reveals your growth. What exactly is The Climb? The Climb is a procession of life. Living life each day, our dreams, visions, relationships, failures, are all elements of The Climb. It is the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that we have and attain within our lifetime. The Climb consists of the different stories and testimonies that we share with our friends, families, strangers, and children. It is because of The Climb that I..Keep on moving, keep climbing, and keep the faith!
Very well said! Miley Cyrus’s song is very inspirational and it deserves recognition. Keep moving forward! 🙂
I believe that I’m inspired by life itself. The possibilities that life and the world can bring are infinite and can be so surprising, fun and beautiful. My day to day drive come from that, from the fact that whatever I do, feel or say today will open magical possibilities in the future. I dream of a fun, productive and fulfilling future where I get to live the life that’s best for me. – Carla
Thank you all for your inspiring messages! I hope the winners enjoy their new tees and continued “luck”…Andie