Welcome back to the second season of the Erica Diamond Podcast! WARNING: if you’re prudish, you might want to sit this episode out. However, if you’re not, and if you come to realize that women’s pleasure and sexuality are a part of everyday life, I think it’s definitely worth tuning in.
I grew up with Erika Kawalek and was pretty blown away by her career path since we lost touch after high school.
If you’re a follower of my work, you know that I don’t shy away from hard topics. I actually welcome them! And because this topic has become so mainstream – thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow’s new Netflix Show The GOOP LAB, and specifically “THAT episode,” that’s why this conversation is taking place. Betty Dodson and her famous Bodysex circles exist to decrease shame around our bodies and heal ourselves from previous trauma, allowing women to experience pleasure in and out of the bedroom.