By Guest Blogger Jamie Greenwood
A few months ago, I was interviewed by my dear friend and therapist Dr. Leslie Carr. During our chat, we touched on one of my favorite topics – the overachieving woman. You see, we are entering a season I like to call, The Season of F*ck It.

Let me explain.
Many of my clients are a lot like you; get-it-handled type women who push and strive and seem to be in a constant state of overwhelm. High functioning women who seem to be able to do it all.
Which is why it’s imperative, every once in a while, to let yourself have a season of f*ck it; a time when you stop moving and doing and let life go fallow for a bit. I can tell you from personal experience that this is one of the hardest things to do, and often, whether consciously or not, we fight tooth and nail against the rest we say we want.
You see, there is an interesting ego trip we go on when trying to slow down, and fear can rear its ugly head, possibly even killing our creativity. But I believe, we all need a Season of F*ck It every once and so often.
Simply said…
When you think you’ve hit the end, when you believe you’ve reached the bottom, let the floor drop.
Can you pull the plug on all your judgements and surrender to what you need most … the thing that’s right in front of you?
Let the floor drop and fall through to gentleness.
Let the floor drop and stumble into serenity.
Let the floor drop and be embraced by ease.
Let the floor drop and let yourself be.
Here are 5 Power Tips to Ease Into Your Own Season of F*ck It:
Listen to your inner wisdom
We so desperately want to pretend we have it all together and can just keep going like the energizer bunny. The problem is we often ignore our inner wisdom that whispers what we really need, and keep following the soul-crushing agenda our ego has laid out. Rather than denying your inner wisdom, when you hear the whispers ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now? What is my inner wisdom trying to say? If I stopped following what I should do, what would I do right now?”
Forgive, for real
You may not want to, but forgiving yourself for being human and needing fallow time is imperative. We can often feel angry with ourselves for not getting enough done or not hitting our goals as perfectly as we thought we should, and feel like we haven’t yet earned down time. Forgiveness allows us to be OK where ever we’re at and softens us to let our fallow time happen without guilt.
Create a Judgement-Free Zone
Judgement sucks all the joy out of a Season of F*ck It. And yet so often what we believe about going fallow and taking a break can keep us from settling into our skin and relaxing. Don’t let judgement creep in as you listen to your inner wisdom and if it does, take a deep breath and say, “I trust myself and am choosing what I need right now.”
Spring into summer is a wonderful time to enter into a Season of F*ck It. If you give yourself permission during the upcoming season to lighten the load, will your world fall apart around you? Chances are, it probably will not. Give yourself the okay to loosen the grips for just a few weeks. Your mental health will thank you. If you do not have the flexibility to decrease your overall hours worked, ask if you can come to work earlier in the morning and leave earlier in the evening– even for the upcoming month of July as an example. Many companies are more flexible during spring or summer months.
Grab a Journal
A Season of F*ck It is a time to come back ourselves. To look inward and reflect on what we’ve created, who we are now and what we want to see for the next stage in our lives. Writing gives us space to grow and stretch. It also allows us to catch our breath and choose our next step with intention, rather than as a knee-jerk reaction. Take 10 minutes and journal on what you’re seeking in this down time. What feels good? What feels relieving to let go of? What do you want more of? (And if you’ve been wanting to journal and can never seem to start, Check this out.)
Be Present
So often we live in the future. Future planning, future goals, future travels, future worries. We’re never in the NOW. Let yourself be present for your Season of F*ck It rather than looking at it as a necessary means to a productive end. Let yourself enjoy it, embrace and savor the slowness so when it’s time to pick life’s pace back up, that too will feel just as sweet.
We only have one chance here to do it right, and I believe we should pace ourselves for the long haul.
Jamie Greenwood is the founder of where independent go-getters come for insight to handle the secret struggle that currently kicking their a**.
Jamie’s work reconnects you to your power, your voice and the strength it takes to fully trust yourself, no matter what the challenge.
She’s also the creator of Just F*cking Journal, a FREE 5 day experience to get you feeling energized, lighter and connected but getting your hand moving across the page. Class begins April 20th. Get your seat (and get pumped!) by clicking here.
I’d love to know, do you believe in, or would you ever take a Season of F*ck It? We all have responsibilities we cannot escape, how can both surrender, and show up for our life?
Perhaps the greatest gift my children have given me is that I’m no longer a perfectionist. They’ve helped me learn to say “ah, f*ck it!”