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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Month: April 2015

An Evening With The Cake Boss

Yesterday morning on my weekly Global TV segment, I shared the latest research out of Cornell University. The studies are in on money and happiness: People Who Spend Money On Experiences Instead Of Things Are Much Happier.

When it’s payday and that paycheck gets deposited into you account, do you run out to buy a great pair of shoes, or a nice handbag? Or do you save up for an experience? If given $400 – would you spend it on an iPhone or a plane ticket to somewhere you’ve never been before to experience a new city? Does your money go toward THINGS or EXPERIENCES? Because the latest research is telling us, we’ll be much happier if we collect LIFE EXPERIENCES over THINGS.

It is said experiences sustain your happiness for much longer than purchases on your wish list – experiences such as art exhibits, doing outdoor activities, learning a new skill, or traveling. (Cornell University).

Time To Bid On @Aeroplan’s Auction!

It’s no secret I have been a LOYAL member of the Aeroplan program, accumulating Aeroplan Miles as I have spent dollars, for almost 20 YEARS. I am also their proud Brand Ambassador, so it gives me great excitement to share more cool stuff about them with you… THE AUCTION IS STILL OPEN!

Yes, you can bid from today – May 4th, 2015

Wedding Bliss With LE CHÂTEAU

As many of you know, I am the proud Brand Ambassador of LE CHÂTEAU, Canada’s leading specialty retailer and manufacturer of contemporary fashion apparel, accessories, and footwear at value pricing for style-conscious women and men of all ages. I can usually be seen on TV, at red carpet events, speaking, working, or even at carpool in LE CHÂTEAU. So, I’m excited to announce today that LE CHÂTEAU now has you covered for this upcoming summer wedding season too. A first!

I Don’t Think I Want a Baby – Is That OK?

Throughout my teens and most of my 20’s, I prayed it wouldn’t happen. At 27, I thought I was ready, then the break-up came and I was glad it hadn’t happened. Then at 30, in a stable and happy relationship, I wondered if it would ever happen. Now, firmly into my 32nd year, married to the man who makes my world a better place, I’m starting to wonder whether I ever want it to happen.

Yep, you’ve guessed it; it’s babies.

So what changed?


If I believe the medics I have about 2.5 years to safely have a child without too much concern. After that, my risk of having a down-syndrome child or me bleeding to death on the delivery table grows exponentially.

Hello, I’m back.

Sorry I’ve dropped off the face of the blog for a week.

Hello, I’m back!

I rested my fingertips and my brain the past few days and returned home late last night after celebrating my cousin’s destination wedding and my 40th birthday in Turks and Caicos. It was a Caribbean sun, fun, and family time vacation, and it was divine.

I surrendered to daily pina coladas, a few beers, and yes CONCH, which I have never tried before (it’s surprisingly good). I was grateful to be surrounded by family (and no kids) as I rang in 40 and watched my cousin recite her wedding vows on the beach at sunset.

The Season Of F*ck It

A few months ago, I was interviewed by my dear friend and therapist Dr. Leslie Carr. During our chat, we touched on one of my favorite topics – the overachieving woman. You see, we are entering a season I like to call, The Season of F*ck It.

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Let me explain.

Many of my clients are a lot like you; get-it-handled type women who push and strive and seem to be in a constant state of overwhelm. High functioning women who seem to be able to do it all.

Which is why it’s imperative, every once in a while, to let yourself have a season of f*ck it; a time when you stop moving and doing and let life go fallow for a bit. I can tell you from personal experience that this is one of the hardest things to do, and often, whether consciously or not, we fight tooth and nail against the rest we say we want.

5 Keys To Reclaiming Your Badass Sexy

“Oh My God, I hate my thighs! Is that a hair growing out of my chin? No, it’s three hairs growing out of my chin, and it’s friggin gray!!! Was that wrinkle on my forehead there yesterday? My tummy is sooo FAT! God, I feel like I’m going crazy! Maybe I should get a face-lift… I might still feel nuts, but at least I’d be beautiful – I’d be enough. Maybe if I lose weight, get liposuction and laser treatments for the hairs growing out of my chin, someone will want me – because then I’ll be perfect.”

Sound familiar?!

When did women forget how powerful, lovely, smart, intelligent, resourceful and amazing they are?

When did a wrinkle on the road map of our beautiful faces begin to dictate our worthiness?

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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