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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol

Just how bad was my drinking?

For years, it probably looked like yours: racing in from a long day at work, my arms full of groceries, I would pour myself a glass of wine to sip while I chopped vegetables and oversaw a little homework. Put something in the oven, top up the glass of wine. Refresh it for dinner, and switch to tea.

I Got The Memo

I’m not sure if it was waking up every day for close to six weeks and seeing my face in the mirror – the black eye, the nearly fist-sized bruise that did it.

It could have been the moment I held my breath as the doctor put not one, but two needles into the blood clot in my cheek to try to draw it out.

It might simply have been the pain….with every step, the jolt that resonated from my right foot coursing through my rib cage until it exploded in my fractured cheek bone.

Or it could have been that my small people tip-toed around me, hugging me, but always leaning back for a quick look into my eyes, fearful they had bumped my face or hurt me in some way.

Whatever it was, I got the memo.

Are You Raising a Generation Z’er?

Yesterday’s Global TV parenting segment was on a topic I am overly familiar with – raising a Generation Z child (children born between the years of 1994-2004), otherwise known as “Generation ME” or the Generation with a great “Sense of Entitlement.” I discussed the many traits of Gen Z’ers, along with the downsides and solutions for raising these kids.

Here is the segment.

A 2-Minute Personality Test: How Did You Score?

So, I thought this would be fun for a Friday. It is an interesting exercise via Dr. Phil, and it doesn’t take long to complete (only two minutes). Once we know more about ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses… the journey to self discovery is the one of the first steps to getting off the fence.

The Success Indicator

Happy Hump Day ladies! I wanted to share an infographic on success. I thought this was quite interesting, and I would love to hear your thoughts. I think if we look closely here, we can all own traits of both success and unsuccess.

Life Lessons from Women at The Top of Their Game

So, I’m still on cloud nine after an incredible weekend of learning, inspiration and empowerment in New York City. I returned home Saturday night from the WIE Symposium. WIE standing for: Women Inspiration and Enterprise. If women, business and inspiration are not FULLY up my alley, I don’t what is.

Again, here was just a TASTE of the lineup.

I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane

I have been counting down the days. Yes, I will wake up at 3:30am tomorrow morning for a 6:30am flight to New York City to attend MY Superbowl. Truth is, I die for events where rockstar women bring their A-game and discuss what makes them thrive, successful, happy and fulfilled. This is MY Superbowl – The WIE Symposium.

Here is why I decided to go– below is only a taste of this year’s speaker lineup. When I saw Lee Woodruff tweet about it just four weeks ago, it took me 20 minutes to get my conference ticket and book my flight to New York. For real. Check out all the speakers:

More Reason To Shop Online with @Aeroplan

If you recall, I have been a LOYAL member of the Aeroplan program, accumulating Aeroplan Miles as I have spent dollars, for almost 20 YEARS! I have traveled to New York, Florida, New Orleans, rented cars, gone to spas, stayed in hotels, and even booked a romantic getaway to Nassau just this week with my husband in November, all because of Aeroplan that has let me earn miles for dollars spent. It is for all these reasons and more that it was thrilling to announce earlier this year that I became a Brand Ambassador for Aeroplan!

The Gift

Nearly six months ago, I discovered some news that made my heart very full. I had a permanent grin on my face knowing that what my husband and I had hoped for, had finally come true—we would be extending our family by one more.

Top 10 Fall Fashion Trends

Fall is almost upon us, and whether you’re a working girl or stay-at-home mom, here are some fall fashion trends that you might like to sport. When I’m writing from home, my fashion consist of sweats, tees and glasses. But when I am out of the house working or playing, some of these trends are fun.

So here we are. Fall 2013 baby!

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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