It was four years ago, that I sat nervously in the green room of Global Television. I was starting my new weekly job as the Parenting and Lifestyle Correspondent on The Morning News.

Four years later, I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown by. What started as a weekly job has grown into a friendship and I am grateful for the entire Global Morning News team. To Laura, Kim, Kelly, Rob, Karen, Julie, Travis, Rachel, Gloria, Matt, and beyond, you constantly have my back (as I do yours), and you know how to make every segment sizzle. Camille and Jess, I miss you too!
Our show is now a high school kid in TV years, I’d say. We aren’t the newborn we were when we first started. Older, wiser, more experienced. I am so lucky to be able work with the incredible team every Wednesday morning. Happy Anniversary to us!

I can’t wait for more.
And in case you missed it, here was this week’s segment on How To Foster The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Child, featuring my little magoo. 😉
Happy FriYay!