Who’s planning a #SelfCareSaturday this upcoming weekend?
The anti FOMO.
AKA life in the slower lane.
JOMO – “Pleasure derived from living in a quiet or independent way without feeling anxious that one is missing out on exciting or interesting events that may be happening elsewhere.”
Before Snapchat, Tik Tok and Instagram, we had to use our imaginations to dream up all the cool things our friends were out doing. Or better yet, we didn’t even know we weren’t invited to the party! But now, thanks to social media, we actually have the cold hard proof of the incredible lives people are living (or so it looks that way), hence giving us FOMO. Now we actually get to SEE what we are missing out on – and that can feel pretty shitty for kids AND adults alike.
The average teenager spends around six hours a day refreshing their social media feeds and the average adult spends about four.
Thanks to social media, the fabulous times people are having is being shoved down our throats… by ourselves.
Switching JOMO lanes…
Did you realize that by overcommitting out of FOMO… you can actually start feeling burned out? If we keep saying yes, yes, yes, or ‘I have to go there so I don’t miss it,’ we can end up exhausted, overwhelmed, and doing things just for appearances sake. Over time, this can get us into trouble.
JOMO is a nice mantra to carry us through fall. Being comfortable tuning out, to tune in. To refill our cups. To be mindful of being happy exactly where you are. To practice self-care. Having the self-esteem to do so.
I hope you too will embrace JOMO. Let’s all be more mindful to put our phones away and start living more in the moment. I am guilty of it… and I will try too.
Remember— you are exactly where you are meant to be.
And remember, it’s NO-VEMBER. We’re saying NO to people, places and things that drain our energy.
Give me a sign if you’ll embrace any kind of JOMO this month.