If you are a Montrealer like me, you for certain know that Jesse Galganov‘s family has been searching for him since he went missing in Peru on September 28th.

This is a women’s lifestyle blog, but in light of the fact that I have readers from around the world, it is only right that I do my part in sharing this, in hopes that someone reading has information on Jesse’s whereabouts. This is also very close to my heart as my first cousins are cousins with Jesse. So I have respected my family’s wishes and am sharing this today.

“On September 28, the 22-year-old texted his mother saying he might be unable to communicate for a few days, as he planned to hike the 31-mile Santa Cruz trail through the Cordillera Blanca Mountains. He assured his mother, Alisa Clamen, he’d be reachable after October 2.

It’s now three weeks later, and no one has heard from him. Alisa grew concerned after a few days. – NBC News

Please read a recent message on his Facebook page: One week ago, we started a Go Fund Me campaign in order to provide financial support for the efforts to find Jesse. Due to your overwhelming generosity, we have not only reached but exceeded our $100,000 goal—in just seven days. The money raised through your contributions has helped to fund search efforts in Peru and to generate a powerful media campaign, which has allowed us to share Jesse’s story throughout the Americas and beyond. In Peru alone, nearly 10 million people have seen our Facebook notices.

While we are disheartened to say that Jesse is still missing, we remain steadfast in our commitment to finding him and bringing him home. And it is in the spirit of this commitment that we ask for your continued support. The costs of this operation will soon surpass the amount already raised. The search process—which involves both public and private resources, several forms and hours of transportation, and costly technical services—carries on. Our need to keep Jesse’s story at the front of the minds and news cycles of Peru carries on. And so we must raise our campaign goal to meet the mounting costs and the challenges ahead.

With the help of the Missing Children’s Network, we have set up a new campaign and contribution system. From this point forward, all donors will be given tax receipts for their contributions, which they can make via the following link: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/missing-childrens-network-canada/JesseGalganovFund/

Thank you all for you kindness, your well wishes, and your unwavering support. And thank you to the dozens of volunteers who reached out over social media to help spread the word and gather information about Jesse online. Together we will do whatever we can to support Jesse’s family in these trying times.

With courage, community, and persistence, we will find Jesse.

If you have any information regarding Jesse Galganov, please email: [email protected] or call: +51 920 468 460

If you believe in the power of prayer, as does the family, please recite this:

For A Missing Loved One

G-d of the frightened,
G-d of the missing and the lost,
Return Jesse Galganov
To the cradle of his family’s arms
And the refuge of their home
Speedily, in life and in health.
Watch over him. Protect him.
Shelter him from harm.
Deliver him from evil acts and evil intent.
Bless the professionals and volunteers dedicated to his return.
Grant them skill, insight, fortitude and luck.

G-d of Old,
These hours/days
Of dismay and dread are almost too much to bear.
Grant his family endurance, hope and faith
That they will soon be reunited with Jesse
In the fullness of joy.

Holy One,
Protector and Redeemer,
Hear this/my/our prayer.

-excerpted from the site
ToBendLight.com / Jewish prayers from the heart and pen of Alden Solovy.

I ask that you share this page in hopes of bringing Jesse home safe and sound to his family.

With hope and gratitude,

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Erica Diamond


On a global mission to Redefine Self-Care, Erica Diamond is a sought-after Media Expert, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Founder of Bliss Essential Oils, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss, Certified Life & Career Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and Founder of the award-winning women's empowerment brand EricaDiamond.com®