Hi Girls, and Happy Hump Day to you!
We’re smack in the middle of the week, which means we’re still in WORK mode, but we’re also approaching LIFE mode with the weekend a couple of days away.
Work/life balance is something many of us strive for, but it’s often hard to know if we’ve made it there. Are we balanced? Can we juggle career and our responsibilities at home, giving them both the love and attention they require? On a side-note, although technology has allowed for a lot more flexibility in the workforce, 70% of workers also admit that it brings work into their personal lives.

I thought it would be fun to share a Wednesday Work/Life quiz out of Brandman University.
Direct link to quiz.
The Benefits of a Balanced Life
Creating balance between work and life enables you to focus on many different areas of your well being without letting one area overwhelm you and pull you down. A balanced life promotes productivity while it embraces personal growth and healthy living. The benefits of a balanced lifestyle are numerous and include:
- Reduced stress levels
- Improved job satisfaction
- A stronger connection with friends and family
- Improved health
- Improved overall happiness
Balancing your commitments teaches you that it is equally important to make time for your family, pursue personal and professional goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I’d love to know where you fell on the work/life balance spectrum? Are you an expert at juggling all of the curve balls that life throws at you? Or are you struggling to keep your head above water? I’d love to know if you believe work/life balance is even attainable.