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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

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Tag: blogiversary

WomenOnTheFence Celebrates Its 10th Blogiversary!

Ten years ago today, I wrote my first blog post. It’s our’s 10th BLOGIVERSARY!

How things have changed over the past decade. Growth, evolution, stumbles, triumphs, watching my babies grow. 

Thank you for sticking with me. I am grateful beyond measure.

How my first post went, September 11, 2009: Celebrates Its 9th Blogiversary and a Rebranded!

9 years ago yesterday, I became a blogger. I really didn’t know what a blogger was, just that it would be the place I would try and get unstuck and off the fence, and so would you. I was working shit out at the time, and writing seemed to be a way to process it and work through it. We would vent, and help each other, and share our disappointments and frustrations. We would cheer each other on, and support one another. We would also listen to other stories of people who have overcome too. We believed vulnerability is strength, not weakness. And it changed my life.

I no longer write about my children because when the diaper and poop and bottle phase ended and real life took over, it suddenly felt like a betrayal of their privacy. But we have grown and evolved as a Brand. I’ve had some incredible highs, some life-learning lows, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This women’s lifestyle blog, ‘Real Inspiration for the Modern Woman’ will always be my safe place to work things out.


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