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Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Tag: gabby bernstein

The One To Love On Valentine’s Day

“The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens… you will ALWAYS be with yourself.” – Dianne Von Furstenberg

For today’s V Day blog post, I am not taking about love of your spouse, or partner, or kids. I am talking about love and acceptance of…  yourself.

I see it a lot in my coaching practice and in women around me. Women who occupy their time frenetically cooking for their kids, runnings for their partners, accomplishing in their jobs, doing, going, organizing chaos, loving and nurturing everyone around them. But at the core, I can see there is something missing. Something they are TRULY neglecting – themselves. And no amount of roses or surprise gifts from your partner on Valentine’s Day are going to rectify the issue.

The Erica Diamond Podcast Is Coming…

I didn’t know when the right time was to announce this. So why not today? I was an early adopter of social media, one of the earliest mommy bloggers, I would have liked to have gotten in earlier on the podcasting front, but I wasn’t ready.

2019 is the year that I said I would plan a conference and start a podcast.

I’ve gotta be honest, I cannot wait. I love listening to podcasts and I love interviewing cool people, and marrying those two loves is really exciting for me.

The Erica Diamond Podcast will be coming end of spring, early summer. If you have any requests as to who should be on the show, write their name in a comment below!

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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