Again, I am grateful for my community who keeps reaching out daily. Since we all…
Again, I am grateful for my community who keeps reaching out daily. Since we all…
Happy International Self-Care Day!
And I couldn’t think of a better day to discuss mindfulness than on this day. After all, mindfulness (a form of meditation), is indeed a form self-care.
Mindfulness has almost become THE word of 2019. But what is it, and does it work?
Well it does, and as a yoga instructor and life coach, this morning I shared some mindfulness exercises you can teach your children to help them feel calm when they feel stressed or anxious. What we teach our kids now, become their tools for life.
Simply put, mindfulness is bringing your awareness and breath and attention to the present moment and your surroundings, allowing thoughts to come and pass without judgement.
We talk a lot about self-care– it’s a very 2019 word. I talk a lot about self-care as a Certified Life Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, and Parenting/Lifestyle Correspondent on TV. When we think of self-care, we often think of hot baths, or massages, or this picture I posted yesterday on social media – I shared it in my instagram story.
Self-care for me two days ago was the gift to myself of $8.00 tulips I put in my kitchen window sill to look at while I’m doing the dishes or sipping my coffee, to help me channel spring and radiate sunshine.
Our Montreal winters are rough, I tell ya, people.
And I realized that even in my yoga class, when I have my yogis on the mat, I often say to them as they are lying calmly on their backs in sivasana at the end of class, I invite them to channel the good vibes and keep them going after class— a nice hot bath, a warm cup of tea, a nice book, a show on tv that makes them laugh. Something just for them that is pleasurable to end off their evening. That they cannot give form an empty cup.
But here’s the thing: self-care isn’t limited or limiting.
I enjoyed this morning’s Global TV segment, as we chatted trends, and what recent surveys repdict will be hot parenting trends to look out for in 2019.
Helicopter parenting– in or out?
Gender reveal parties– still in or on their way out?
Tune in…
When I started teaching yoga last fall, I committed to two classes a week (knowing two classes per week was what my schedule would comfortably allow). Two day classes, that is, as I have always reserved my nights for my kids and husband exclusively. I try and book very few things during the week (the odd girls night out, absolutely). I want to be there every night for dinner, homework, showers, and snuggles.
But when a few of my yogis recently requested I teach a night class as they work during the day, I was really hesitant to say yes. I made a vow to myself and my family 10 years ago not to work nights unless I was called away to speak. I started to talk to myself. Yes, I do that… a lot. I said to myself, “It’s springtime, Erica. The days are long, and I think I’ll go out of my comfort zone and maybe say yes.” I did, after all, watch Shonda Rhimes’ TED Talk on the Year of Yes. You know, the year when she said YES to everything to welcome more happiness? 😉