Happy #MotivationMonday, ladies!
My third episode of the #OWNSHOW on OWN TV aired live at 7am this morning.
Oprah calls them the “tiny whispers” that we often ignore. These tiny whispers are also called your instincts or intuition. Today, I share why listening to that inner voice is so important to our happiness.
Additionally, some small telling signs that we should all pay attention to:
Signs that you feel agitated, untrusting, and a general feeling of malaise. Most people stay stuck and don’t respond to the small whispers because it’s a comfortable place to not have to commit and see something through. So many people ignore the tiny whispers because it isn’t easy to commit to changing something. Change can be a very scary thing.
Change involves a tremendous amount of risk, and puts us outside our comfort zone. But, I quote the title of James Moore’s book, “You Can Get Bitter Or Better.” It’s true, you make that choice about how you’re going to respond to change. You hold the power. And if you read this blog, we all know what happens when we sit on the fence.

So please watch:
Thanks again for watching!
A reminder:
1. The link to episode 3 on Oprah.com: Tiny, Invisible Signs You Are On The Wrong Path: http://www.oprah.com/own-show/Tiny-Invisible-Signs-You-are-on-the-Wrong-Path
2. Direct link to the episode 3 on YouTube: http://youtu.be/dk755mOxWfM
3. If you missed the first two episodes, here are the links:
Episode 1: http://www.oprah.com/own-show/The-1-Strategy-to-Get-and-Stay-Motivated
Episode 2: http://www.oprah.com/own-show/Unexpectedly-Crucial-Decisions-We-All-Have-To-Make
Happy Monday, lovelies. I’d love to know if there was ever a time when you felt a little whisper that something was not right in your life, and did you listen and course-correct or did you ignore the whispers? What happened?