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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Month: August 2016

#WisdomWednesday from Oprah

Been thinking a lot about this lately.

How many people can actually say what they want out loud? Like REALLY want? It takes a lot of guts, a lot of intuition, and a lot of working on yourself. But when you say what you want and what you need OUT LOUD- it becomes something tactile. It becomes something to work towards. It becomes a reason to get up in the morning. I dare you to declare what you want. In fact, I dare you to tell me. Email me at [email protected] – I would love to hear what you really want for yourself in your life. It’s an exercise in manifesting your dreams and happiness.

Happy Wisdom Wednesday.

Leaning In, Opting Out, and Living a F@ck Yes Life

This post is based on a talk I presented for my colleagues at InkHouse, the PR agency where I work, on August 11, 2016.

In the spring, I received an email in my inbox from our CEO and co-founder inviting us to present a talk (and hone our presentation skills) with our colleagues as the audience. Please submit a topic, it said, by this date. Uninspired, I let the deadline slip by.

“Did you submit a topic?” was the question of the day. I hadn’t and that felt fine to me.

The day after submissions were due, this showed up in my early morning Twitter feed:

Fall Fashion Teaser With @LeChateauStyle

Yes, it’s still warm outside, but if you peruse the streets of downtown or the malls in your city, you will see fall fashion making its way into stores everywhere. I know, I don’t feel ready for fall yet either, but I do love fall fashion!

You all know by now I am the Brand Ambassador for LE CHÂTEAU, wearing this amazing brand to work or play, so today, I wanted to give you a little teaser of what’s to come next month for fall fashion on this blog.

How To Write Your First CV

For some, back to school is already upon us. For others, back to school is around the corner. Maybe, you’re a stay at home mother who’s been wanting to get back into the workforce, but you don’t know how to write a CV. With the kids heading back to school, maybe it’s your time to chase that dream job.

Perhaps you’ve been sitting perched on the fence with where to start. For those resting comfortably (or uncomfortably) in this situation, here is a nice visual on nailing that CV.

Happy Thursday, Rockstars!

Hello, I’m Back!

Hello. I am back!

July has come and gone. Back into the ever-growing grinding responsibilities of August.

How has your summer been?

I enjoyed the month of July. I worked hard, I played a little harder.

A few July milestones:

I saw HADRY make its debut on The View. That was beyond thrilling.

Avoid burnout and reclaim your time, energy & balance!

Join my FREE Self-Care Masterclass for Busy Women with Real Life Schedules

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