Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Month: February 2019

We’ve Got Self Care Wrong

We talk a lot about self-care– it’s a very 2019 word. I talk a lot about self-care as a Certified Life Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, and Parenting/Lifestyle Correspondent on TV. When we think of self-care, we often think of hot baths, or massages, or this picture I posted yesterday on social media – I shared it in my instagram story.

Self-care for me two days ago was the gift to myself of $8.00 tulips I put in my kitchen window sill to look at while I’m doing the dishes or sipping my coffee, to help me channel spring and radiate sunshine.

Our Montreal winters are rough, I tell ya, people.

And I realized that even in my yoga class, when I have my yogis on the mat, I often say to them as they are lying calmly on their backs in sivasana at the end of class, I invite them to channel the good vibes and keep them going after class— a nice hot bath, a warm cup of tea, a nice book, a show on tv that makes them laugh. Something just for them that is pleasurable to end off their evening. That they cannot give form an empty cup.

But here’s the thing: self-care isn’t limited or limiting.

How Technology is Spoiling Your Relationship

Happy Valentine’s Day to all! A different kind of post today… maybe one that might be a wakeup call.

I was once in a relationship with a wonderful guy who treated me like an absolute princess. In return, I treated him like he was second to my cell phone.

Charming, right?

Seeing those words on the screen, I doubly realize how incredibly pathetic that sounds. After all, if you have a great guy spoiling you, who wants to spend all of his time with you, why do you still need the lure of a cell phone to keep you entertained?

For some reason, I did.

The Erica Diamond Podcast Is Coming…

I didn’t know when the right time was to announce this. So why not today? I was an early adopter of social media, one of the earliest mommy bloggers, I would have liked to have gotten in earlier on the podcasting front, but I wasn’t ready.

2019 is the year that I said I would plan a conference and start a podcast.

I’ve gotta be honest, I cannot wait. I love listening to podcasts and I love interviewing cool people, and marrying those two loves is really exciting for me.

The Erica Diamond Podcast will be coming end of spring, early summer. If you have any requests as to who should be on the show, write their name in a comment below!

Valentine’s Day Feels…

In true Wordless Wednesday style, why not show some amazing Valentine’s Day fashion to get you in the mood for tomorrow.

When it doubt, say it with RED.

Mindset and the Power of YET

Our mindset on learning and trying new things is one of the fundamental skills that guide us from a young age to adulthood and continues to develop throughout our lives. Beyond academic intelligence, research suggests that having a growth mindset has other advantages, including coping better with transition, higher abilities to regulate, learning grit and pro-social behaviours.

The use or misuse of praise can encourage both a fixed mindset or growth mindset depending on what or how we praise and give feedback. To develop the growth mindset, we must remember to praise the process and NOT the person. Praising the process helps remind children that we are constantly learning. The problem with praising the person, such as “you’re so clever” or “you must be so talented,” is that it doesn’t tell children what they need to do next time, and therefore it will become more challenging to develop past a fixed mindset.

The Dark Side of Fame and The Super Bowl

Guys, I really wanna discuss this. This is the dark side of social media/fame and what I find the disappointing side to social media.

I read headlines this morning like, “Adam Levine and Maroon 5 performance seen as boring and safe,” and “Fans are destroying Maroon 5 for their halftime Super Bowl performance,” and “Maroon 5 out of 10.”

I guess when you take the world’s largest stage, you subject yourself to the good, the bad and the ugly. I get that. I just always feel like the critics are given too much power. The critics can remain nameless and faceless with the power to tear away at someone else’s self esteem, without even leaving the comforts of their own room.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Being a psychologist is a challenging and intensely rewarding experience.

In my day job, I am a psychologist. Sounds humble enough, right? In my therapy role, I work with many types of patients, but mainly with women who have an eating disorder (usually anorexia or bulimia). It’s the world’s best day job, and I mean that sincerely.

I should probably tell you how I came to be so lucky as to become a psychologist (and to be working mainly with women clients) in the first place. First thing, is that I was blessed with wonderful parents and gentle older siblings. Growing up, my family taught me to respect and help myself and others too. They were all strong and resilient role models, who –happily—also never took themselves too seriously; this made the whole process more fun.

Avoid burnout and reclaim your time, energy & balance!

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