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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

De-Stress Your Teen: Four Ways To Turn Down the Academic Heat

It’s September- Back To School is in full gear. If you’re the mom of a teen, you know how tough the school year can be. Intensive AP classes. Mountains of homework. Sports practices that take hours. This seems to be the new normal, and that’s true whether your teens are headed for the local community college or a powerhouse university.

No wonder today’s kids say school has displaced family or peer problems as the greatest stressor in their lives.

At a Career Crossroads? Erica Diamond’s 5-Step Career Tune-Up

Fall is in the air, which means the kids are back in school. If you’re a mom, that means more “me time.” More time to explore, reassess and figure out where you’re at, and where you’re headed. Perhaps this is your season to become a mompreneur. Women, if you are currently in a job you dislike, fall is a great time to start plotting your move. While spring is about cleaning and rebirth, so is fall. Fall is like one great giant haircut- the shedding of dead ends and making room for new and healthy hair to grow. Fall is a great time to tune-up your career.

Winning Wednesday: Do You Sleep With The Door Open Or Closed?

Okay, today’s “On the fence” question: Do you sleep with your door open or closed?

Why I am asking, is because this weekend, I discovered one of the greatest sleep secrets known to man mom. It’s called… wait… here it comes…. I give you… SLEEPING WITH THE DOOR CLOSED. Winning!

Interview with Soledad O’Brien: On Career, Marriage, Motherhood and More

When I met Soledad O’Brien for the first time in August at Blogher, in New York City, I was truly intrigued. She is the CNN anchor we watch daily cover hurricanes, disasters, and important news. Yet, when you speak to her in person, she has this other side. This aura to her. A sweet, fun-loving, and exceptionally charming side. To top it off- she’s a mom of four children. I loved her essence, and so I asked her for an interview. Her response, “I will never forget Women On The Fence. You have my word, I will give you an interview.”

WomenOnTheFence Celebrates Its 3 Year Blogiversary

Today we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of a blog that was born out of feeling stuck, on the fence, alone, confused, and wanting to create a space for women to get inspired, get off the fence, grow, succeed and thrive. You have made that happen. I am grateful for this community who has stood by me in my darkest hours, my greatest triumphs, and given me a safe place to be authentic myself. You have also helped each other, and inspired each other into action. Never underestimate the power of a few simple words on a page.

Are You A Sh*tty Mom? You’re Not Alone

Just as every mom has the moment she first laid eyes on her child indelibly tattooed on her cortex—you know, the part of your brain that, soon thereafter, spurts out Ohmigod it must be the plague the first time your baby gets a rash, or Ohmigod I can’t believe my precious little sweetheart just belted that kid in the kisser before you’ve even had a chance to open your mouth to deny it. Every mom remembers her first totally, irredeemably, irrefutably Sh*tty Mom Moment.

Oh What A Night…

Last night was a big night. I made myself a warm cup of tea, and settled in to watch the election results. Yesterday marked a big day for my province of Quebec- Election Day. We elected a new Premier to lead our province. The first female ever actually, but one who feels Quebec would be best run as its own country. Yes, COUNTRY. Pauline Marois would like Quebec to separate from the rest of Canada. This is who we elected as our new Premier.

My “Friends” On Death Row

My name is Kelly. I am a mom of six, a wife, a writer and president and founder of my local chapter of Mothers & More. I am also on a first name basis with Richard Ramirez, I exchange letters with Charles Manson, and speak regularly to most of the women on America’s death row. How’s that for “on the fence?!”

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