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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Wordy Wednesday: An Evening To Remember

Our speaker was Journalist Kati Marton, Acclaimed Humanitarian and Women’s Advocate. Her parents survived the Holocaust of World War II but never spoke about it. They served nearly two years in prison on false charges of espionage for the U.S., and Kati and her older sister were placed in the care of strangers. Raised a Roman Catholic, she learned much later in life and by accident that she was Jewish, and that her grandparents were Jews who were murdered at Auschwitz concentration camp.

Drink To Your Health With David’s Tea

So it’s a rainy rainy Monday night here in Montreal. My husband is away on business. Kids are now asleep. And I have been wanting to tell you more about some of my favorite things. Finding the time has been the hard part! 🙂

In the midst of everything, I’m co-chairing a big charity benefit tomorrow evening for 600 women. And I feel like I’m getting sick. So I’m drinking my tea to stay well tonight. My David’s Tea.

INTERVIEW: Erica Diamond Goes One-On-One With Real Housewife Jill Zarin

Jill Zarin- Real Housewives of New York. I wanted the interview. I landed the interview. And I think you will agree after reading, why she was a perfect fit for Jill is everything I stand for in life… chasing your dreams, making shit happen, working your butt off, being bold and ballsy, oh yeah, and she’s smart too.

So I’m not going to wax on. Instead, I present you, Jill Zarin.

Is The Grass Really Greener On The Other Side?

This morning my alarm went off at 6:00 am as it does every morning and I jumped into the shower. Today is different though, I am participating in a charity golf tournament. While I am showering, my brain is racing. I’m thinking about the zillion things that must get done before I leave, like making my sons’ their camp lunches, their breakfast, getting them off to camp, and putting in a load of laundry.

September is National Yoga Awareness Month

When I look at how I manage the everyday juggle and grind, there is one thing that keeps me most grounded through it all. There is one thing, that no matter how stressed I am, or how frazzled I may be, that literally transforms my entire aura.

That’s yoga.

INTERVIEW: Michelle Rivera with Erica Diamond, Editor-In-Chief of ‘Women On The Fence’

It’s usually me doing the interviewing. But a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Emmy Award-Winning TV Host, Michelle Rivera. I have since seen the social media feedback as positive, which led me to believe that perhaps my readers would want to read the interview. I decided to post it on the blog, especially for the new and upcoming bloggers looking for tips.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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