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July Blogging Break

Photo credit: Pinterest

Girls, I am taking my annual July blogging break. As you have come to know, I do this every year for the quality of this blog. It has become my gift to myself.

But this year is a little different. This week, I left my house of 15 years. It was not easy.

Here is what I shared…

May G-d bless this home.
Feeling overcome with emotion today leaving after 15 years.
I had both my babies here.
I sold my business in this house. I started here.
I wrote my book in this house.
I started HADRY here.
I lost people I love while living in this home.
I packed up two kids for the summer and my entire life of 15 years this week.
I’m not good with goodbyes.
New beginnings…

So, I am writing this post in my friend’s home, ‘cuz when you feel very displaced, your good friends give you theirs. 😉 It’s an adventure… that is for certain. No kids, so that helps!

Speaking of which, when your kids aren’t together in the same place for the first summer, and your baby says he will raise his left hand in pictures when he is thinking about his lefty brother, your heart kinda melts when you see these in the camp pictures.

So, now that I am breaking from blogging, where will I go? What will I do, you might ask?

Over the next few weeks, I will still be coaching, doing my weekly Global TV parenting segments, teaching yoga Tuesday nights at 7:15pm (which if you are in Montreal, I’d love to practice with you. First week is free), and relaxing. I have also been sticking to my annual business tradition:

  • June: A time of business idea generation and brainstorming. This involves a list that I create from scratch – a list that I make consisting of different business ideas / opportunities that are in my head, that I could potentially add to the mix, execute or pursue. And on the flip side… what can I let go of too?
  • July: My marinating month. I just marinade all the ideas.
  • August/September: I begin to execute what feels like the next right move. Shedding and adding.

I have found this summer strategy very effective, and you might wish to give it a try.

photo credit: Pinterest

So, I wish you all a wonderful upcoming month of July. I hope you find some time to yourself to reflect, and map out your goals. Summer is a great time to do that. Please consider this your time to catch up on “rerun” blog posts, as well. 😉 I will be on Twitter Instagram and Facebook, so come say hi over there!

Many blessings to you, and maybe something to think about this while I’m gone. Again, something I shared recently on Instagram in case you missed it.

Every day I have to be bold. Every day, so do you. Just a reminder that no one holds a gun to your head— you are always in the driver’s seat.

Last week I wanted to collaborate on something that was really aligned with my message, but we couldn’t agree on the deliverables. So I paused, and I reminded myself that it’s my life, and I choose. I shouldn’t have to work hard for very little… and neither should anyone. Now, I’m not saying I won’t speak for free at times, or coach women on a sliding scale or even free at times, or promote brands I love just because I love them. And I’m not saying you shouldn’t do what you love if it brings you joy or work for free as you’re getting your feet wet. YES YOU SHOULD.

But when we know our value and what we bring to the table by doing our due diligence, we must ask for what we need. We have to know our hard limits and boundaries and stick to them, otherwise people will just walk all over us. Sometimes we have to walk away from something we might want to do, to remind OURSELVES of our worth.

So back to my quote— I think it goes not only for work, but also for marriage, and even parenting. What are our limits and boundaries? Where will we bend and what can’t we tolerate? #WhosTheBoss #WerkIt

Back soon, xx


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Erica Diamond


On a global mission to Redefine Self-Care, Erica Diamond is a sought-after Media Expert, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Founder of Bliss Essential Oils, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss, Certified Life & Career Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and Founder of the award-winning women's empowerment brand®

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