Are you tired of the clothes in your closet? Are you ready to freshen up your wardrobe and put that “spring” into your step?
Well, you’ve seen me wear the clothes on Global TV each week, you’ve been to the stores across Canada, or you’ve read about LE CHÂTEAU either in magazines or right here on So, it with tremendous excitement that I announce I will be giving away a $500 gift card to be at any LE CHÂTEAU location, or online at!
Check out a few of my favorite past looks from LE CHÂTEAU. As well, you can check out the Top 5 Spring Fashion Trends.

So if you’re ready to WIN BIG, and you wouldn’t know what to choose if you did, check out this video I recently shot at the latest LE CHÂTEAU location in Laval, Quebec. Perhaps it will give you some shopping ideas!
And once again, I am giving away a $500 LE CHATEAU GIFT CARD TO BE USED AT ANY LE CHÂTEAU STORE, OR ONLINE at
For your chance to win, LIKE them on Facebook at and tell us below in a comment:
Are you looking for the perfect trench, the perfect pair of pointy-toed heels, the perfect handbag or bohemian blouse to throw over a pair of jeans? The perfect hoop earrings, casual coral tank top or pair of white capris? Tell us what you want in a comment below! We will pick 1 lucky random winner – contest will close Sunday, May 11th, 2014 at 11pm. You will be notified by email if you’ve won. Don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment as our way to notify you if you’ve won.
Don’t forget to sign-up here for all exclusive LE CHÂTEAU deals. Especially with Mother’s Day around the corner.
And follow LE CHÂTEAU on
And check out a picture of their latest location. This is where the above video was shot.
Good luck to all and Happy Shopping!
Yes! would love a spring season refresh!! Thank you! Jenn
I would like a new tan handbag like in that video. Love it.
I just lost a few pounds and need some clothes !!!
I should have added that I love the new Spring Trench!!
I would love to win this shopping spree so that I can get a few new things for my wardrobe.
My daughter would LOVE that shopping spree! Just in time for summer clothes too 🙂
My absolute must have in my spring closet is a very cute sandle that I can walk anywhere in. They have to be able to go from lunch to dinner and everywhere in between! Without blisters of course!
Those Tan bags are fantastic…I would love any of them! Mothers day May 11th is my Birthday!
I want everything in the video! But if I have to pick one thing it would be the floral scarf! Love the coral colors!
I can’t believe it’s not butter!
my spring must have is the light weight blue cotton blazer that works with jeans or dress pants.
I need that gift card because I’ve worked really hard to lose a lot of weight in the last couple of years and now nothing in my closet fits me! I can’t afford a new wardrobe. Oh, and I love you, Erica. xo
What I must have for Spring is a new dress for work and a new bohemian shirt for the week end. Thank you Erica-Great work
Cathy xx
I would love the getaway clothes as my life feels like it belongs in a suitcase because im in a long distance marriage. it would be great as I am running out of ideas for my tracelling clothes.
My spring fashion must-have is a sporty A-line getaway dress or a lightweight blouse! I liked Le Chateau on Facebook! I love the outfit you wore when interviewing Nikki Yanofsky.
A classy, lightweight spring trench coat is a must-have. Le Chateau has a few really gorgeous unique trench designs. Also good to have the perfect casual coat like their military jacket! [email protected]
I NEED some floral clothing for this spring and summer! Its so trendy and bright bold flowers on dress just SCREAM spring! Thank you!
A must have that I don own yet are a pair of nude pumps! I NEED and oh so very badly want a pair! Le Chateau has such stylish heels! Every time I enter Le Chateau I dash right to the shoe section first! *crosses fingers for a pair of nude pumps that I will wear with EVERY outfit!* Have a great day!
Le Chateau for men always have the best suits. They look very sharp on me. I need a new suit so I can wear it to special events with my girlfriend this summer. I would also treat her to anything she wants at Le Chateau If I was lucky enough to win this gift card!
I like them on facebook. My two must haves for spring is a NEW FUN HAT (which LeChateu always has! ) and a beautiful new purse! Not gonna deny that the Spring Trench would be awesome!
I want a really trendy stripped dress and a indigo blue midi skirt for this summer! They are both MUST HAVES for me!! I only buy my dresses at Le Chateau. They fit me like they were MADE for me!
I need gold fashion accessories, ie rings, necklaces and bracelets. I want a new white dress! How chic would gold jewellery and a white dress look this summer? Amazing right? Id pair the accessories, white dress and then nude cut-out heels for the summer! A girl can dream!
I would love to own a taupe trench coat for this spring! There has been a lot of rain n Toronto lately and I want to be prepared for this year, and many years to come! Le Chateau has the most stunning assortment of jackets and I covet the two winter ones I own already. Thank you very much or this opportunity.
I would love a black & white spring dress. I keep seeing them everywhere including Le Chateau!! Thank you, Fil
I would love the coral tank and white capri pants! Maybe pair it with some nude, peep-toe, wedges.
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Baasic shoes- majoraly!!
[email protected]
I need a perfect pair of open toed pumps for work and some wedges for play!
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