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Month: March 2013

On Regrets and Going For It… Yah, Getting Off The Fence

Happy Easter Love Bugs! I am back from a wonderful few days in New York City with the family, and saw this while sipping coffee in bed this morning.

It’s a must share. A must read. And I think, a must follow. Thank you Dana, our most incredible Women On the Fence app developer for sharing this.

And thank you Gary, for such insightful words.

Happy Passover and a Blogging Break

Hello beautiful ladies!

Just a quick note to wish those celebrating a very Happy Passover. I’m never one to judge what others do in their personal lives, so therefore, I thought this was quite funny.

21 Ways To Stress-Free Living and Uncluttering Your Life For Spring

Whenever March rolls around (my husband’s birthday), I always know it’s time for me to take stock of my life. It’s the time I start sweeping out the cobwebs; literally and figuratively. Winter’s snow melts away, and all the things you have been ignoring in your life, start to present themselves again. Aaah, I forgot about you! Spring is a great time to deal with these things head-on. And that’s not a bad thing– spring is about rebirth, renewal, regeneration.

Top 5 Spring Fashion Trends

Spring has almost sprung, and whether you’re a working girl or stay-at-home mom, here are some spring fashion trends that you might like to wear. My daily fashion consist of sweats, tees, bun and glasses when I’m writing from home, but when I am out and about working, or enjoying a date night with my man, I have been LOVING some of these cool spring fashion trends!

Leaning In

Chances are, if you are a working woman, or have even turned on the news in the past few days, you’ve probably come across Sheryl Sandberg, COO and second in command at Facebook. She recently wrote a book called Lean In, and there has been a lot of controversy around her book. Yesterday, when Arianna Huffington asked me to contribute my voice to the Huffington Post Women’s community, I was happy to oblige. I have a STRONG opinion in this arena. Already a HuffPo contributor, this was a chance for me to either join the haters and skeptics, or Lean In, and agree with Sheryl Sandberg.

Eating Disorders, Dieting and Body Image: One Therapist’s Perspective

Being a psychologist is a challenging and intensely rewarding experience.

In my day job, I am a psychologist. Sounds humble enough, right? In my therapy role, I work with many types of patients, but mainly with women who have an eating disorder (usually anorexia or bulimia). It’s the world’s best day job, and I mean that sincerely.

You Know You’re a Geezer (and Maybe a Cougar) When…

We’re goin’ light today, m’ladies! I have a cute story. Sooooo, I was in the green room this past Wednesday morning waiting for my weekly parenting segment on Global TV to start. Sitting in the room with me, was a familiar face. Familiar because I see him every Wednesday morning, usually in sweats and a sweatshirt, always waiting for his segment to begin too. He is one of the fitness experts on the new morning show. My segment is always Wednesdays at 8:40am, and his is always before mine, around 8:15am. He’s always polite when I walk in. Says hello and then doesn’t ever say another word. I say hello and never utter another word either. I’m too busy going over my segment notes to make sure I don’t forget any of my tips.

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