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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Dealing With Difficult In-Laws

Welcome back, ladies! Today is a good day. It was a clean sweep for my Montreal Canadiens last night who beat Tampa Bay in four straight games to proceed to Round 2 of the playoffs, AND my boys went back to school this morning. This is me happy dancing! Hallelujah on both fronts.

Happy Passover, Happy Easter and a Blogging Break

Hello beautiful ladies. Happy Friday!

Just a quick note to wish those celebrating a very Happy Passover. Wishing you wonderful times spent with family, friends and matzo. 😉

I’m never one to judge what others do in their personal lives, so therefore, I thought this was quite funny. It’s amazing how much hypocrisy lives out there.

39 Is Gonna Be Fine

So, my husband calls me URGENTLY on Friday and tells me that I must call Visa immediately, as it appears my credit card has been frauded. Visa was unable to reach me at home and they needed to verify suspicious transactions. He gives me the number to call ASAP and tells me to ask for Nelly.

I hang up the phone while en route home from carpool and call the number. I ask for Nelly as told, and proceed to ask, “What happened to my credit card?”

The Black Bra

Girls, a little “Hump” in your Hump Day… no pun intended. 😉 My mother in law forwarded this to me a while back, and if you’ve been with your man as long as I have, you might just love this. Please don’t take it too literally.

Mixed Monday

Happy Monday, dames! I just finished a spin class at the gym, and after ignoring myself in this department for almost 10 days due to a hectic schedule, it felt great to SWEAT. It’s Monday, spring is ALMOST in the air, and the sun is actually shining in Montreal.

Today is sort of a mixed bag, so I titled it Mixed Monday. Wanted to keep you updated about some events, revelations and conclusions… WomenOnTheFence style.

6 Spring Cleaning APPS To Help You Organize Your Life!

Yesterday morning on my weekly parenting segment for Global TV, I shared 5 Spring Cleaning Apps for Parents. Kind of like a DIGITAL spring cleanse! I encourage you to check out the segment and learn about these great apps that will simplify your life. I have included the 6 below with their links, to help you GET ORGANIZED!

Top 5 Spring Fashion Trends

Spring has officially sprung, and whether you’re a working girl or stay-at-home mom, here are some spring fashion trends that you might like to wear. My daily fashion usually consist of sweats, tees, bun and glasses when I’m home writing, but when I am out and about working, on TV, coaching a client, or enjoying a date night with my man, I am LOVING some of these cool spring fashion trends!

INTERVIEW: The Secret To Success and How To Live Your Passion With Adam Braun

“Four years ago, I sat at my desk overlooking the Manhattan skyline from the 25th floor of 3 Times Square. I was in my mid-twenties, earning a six-figure salary at Bain & Company, which has now been rated the #1 global consulting firm by Consulting Magazine for 11 years straight. I looked down at the drafted email on my desktop, took a deep breath, and pressed send. The email notified more than 400 coworkers and friends that I was leaving what I’d previously believed was my dream job to pursue the non-profit I had founded, Pencils of Promise (PoP).

International Day Of HAPPINESS!

Oh my goodness, the truth is, I wasn’t planning on blogging today, but after seeing this, I had to share. Today is International Day of Happiness, and watching this made me, well… HAPPY! And I know it will make you happy too.
Watch this cover of Pharrell’s hit HAPPY, sung by the Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences choir. Let’s just hope these kids are the future of Detroit. I’m in love.

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