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Hello! I’m back from Hiatus. Let’s Talk BlogHer!

I’m back! And I’ve missed you ladies like crazy! I hope that over the past three weeks, you have kept yourself busy and enjoyed the warm weather a little. Our summer is flying by too quickly, the fact that we’re already into August, makes me weepy.

During my three-week blogging break, I had a chance to relax and unwine unwind and rest my brain, so that I can continue to add value to the blogging community. It is no easy feat to manage an engaged audience as smart as you, and continuously provide fresh captivating content. In order to do so, this mama needs to engage in stimulating activities, such as reading Fifty Shades Of Grey War and Peace.

How Twitter Has Changed Motherhood

Hello all! Checking in from vacation.

Week 1 was spectacular, because, admission: I took last week for MYSELF. The kids were in camp, hubby was at work, and then there was me– goin’ nowhere fast. It was quite blissful. I did things like walk around aimlessly, spend the morning at the spa, and talk on the phone for an hour with my girlfriends. Things I hadn’t done in a long while.

Blogging Break

Girls, I am taking my annual 3-week July blogging break starting today. I do this every year for my mental wellbeing, and for the quality of this blog. It is not easy to continuously keep things fresh, relevant and interesting, so every July, I rest my blogging brain to come back recharged, refreshed, and ready to give you more.

Over the next three weeks, I will be working, relaxing and traveling. The end of my 3-week blogging break will bring my favorite time of the year– our annual blogging conference in NYC, called Blogher. There are no words for this weekend of networking, partying and sharing with some of the smartest, savviest chicks I know. I simply cannot wait.

Single Again: Living Comfortably In My Skin

While growing up, I devotedly watched and replayed all of Disney’s princess themed movies, and the message I took from these sugar coated love stories, was that some day I will meet a man who will rescue me from all of my sadness and make me happy. I would like to quickly explain the reason why I put so much hope and energy into this idea as a little girl– my childhood was tumultuous, to put it mildly, and when the world around me seemed so out of control, I found it easier to escape into a daydream about how and when things would one day be better. Today I look back upon this naïve philosophy and shake my head at myself. It had never occurred to me that I didn’t need a man to rescue me, but rather, I could save myself.

Wordless Wednesday: Would Love Your Help…

Rapunzel here! After yesterday’s “YIKES” post, I have since let down my hair. I had a girl’s night last night, and the conversation, coupled with a few drinks, a guy sitting next to us with a “murse” (man purse), and gut-busting laughter did me good. After all, it isn’t how far you fall, it’s how quickly you get back up. I can thank my mother for teaching me about resilience.

Letting My Hair Down

“Have you ever looked at your life, your daily routine, your kids, your job, and thought… I just wanna throw on a pair of heels, and dance the night away? I confess, I have.

I was just reminiscing with a girlfriend the other day. We used to live in the same apartment building when we were both first married… us on the 5th floor, her on the 4th. And boy was it fun! We all worked hard during the week and partied on the weekends. We slept in till ungodly hours with no distractions. We hung out smoking in each other’s apartments, watching movies, chilling with friends. It was the life… except… we didn’t appreciate it. We desperately wanted to get pregnant and settle in, trading late night partying for late night bottle feedings.

Coffee Talk With Erica Diamond: Fifty Shades of Grey

So, today I decided to step away from the computer, and to your local YouTube channel. It was time. Today, I’m in a bun, glasses, no makeup, and sipping coffee on my deck… a.k.a my summer office.

I asked you on Twitter what you wanted to chat about in today’s vlog, and it seems many of you want to discuss Fifty Shades of Grey, and who Universal should cast as the leading man, Christian Grey. This week, it has been speculated that the top two contenders for the role are Ryan Gosling (The Notebook) and Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries).

Wordless Wednesday: A Lesson In Humanity

In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth
to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs.
Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy,
the cubs were born prematurely
and due to their tiny size,
they died shortly after birth.

10 Tips to Help Moms With Picky Eaters

Got picky kids when it comes to food, at least nutritious food? Do your kids try to crawl under the table when they see broccoli on the table? Do they try to slip the dog their squash only to find the dog won’t eat it either? You’re not alone! It seems to be a fairly common phenomenon among households with kids. And, not just young children either. Older kids can be picky eaters as well.

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