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Recipes & Tips for Healthy Eating on Super Bowl Weekend

One of America’s favorite pastimes is gathering for the Super Bowl, which often involves a spread of unhealthy food options. But you know what? Spending time with your friends and cheering for your favorite team should not have to add to your waistline! Eating clean can be easy, even at parties. You just need the tips and tools, and I’m excited to share them here for Women On The Fence readers!

Behind Closed Doors: I Married a Sex Addict

When I first met the man who is now my husband and he told me that his work was counseling men with sexual addiction, I remember clearly the feeling of wanting to stick my fingers in my ears while loudly shouting “la-la-la-la.” That was quickly followed by the immediate conclusion that this man was not someone I would want to talk with ever again. But life as a jokester led me to want to get to know this man, even with a career that was initially oh-so-embarrassing to hear about. And it didn’t end there. I soon learned that not only did he counsel sex addicts; he was a recovering sex addict himself.

10 Lessons From 10 Years in Business: A Mompreneur’s Tale

When I was young, no one told me what to expect out of life. They’d just say life is filled with ups and downs, so you gotta learn to roll with the punches. Good advice? Maybe. But what if all you needed to do was invest in what you have, trust your gut, go after what you want, and have fun doing it?

I graduated with a degree in Communications. I then climbed the professional ladder and landed a high pressure, demanding job in Public Relations for the International Air Transport Association. In the midst of it, I met an amazing man and got married.

Hangovers N’ Hockey

I almost feel like this would be the name of a great blog. Yes, a blog about the musings of a beer drinking, ass-kicking hockey team– you know, But sadly, no. You’re still on It’s still the same me– the same go-getting, inspirational diva, just wrecked after a weekend of over-drinking and over-arena attending. But hey, what would life be like if you ONLY walked a straight line, right?

The Magic Room: A Tale of Six Lives Woven Together

There’s a very old saying: “Every time a marriage takes place, a new world is created.”

In 2012, does this sound impossibly quaint? Does it sound naïvely romantic?

We all know about the odds for divorce today. We’ve seen how little the marriage vows can mean in the Kardashian Age. Indeed, a recent Pew Research poll shows that 39 percent of Americans now believe marriage is becoming “obsolete.” That’s up from 28 percent who felt that way in 1979.

Wordless Wednesday: What is SOPA Blackout?

What is this black Wordless image, you might ask?

Well, it’s a representation of many who are shutting down their sites today. Going black.

This blackout started at 12:00 a.m. eastern time on Wednesday morning and will last until 12:00 a.m. eastern time on Thursday. Database giant Wikipedia went dark as a protest against proposed anti-piracy legislation in the United States called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).

In fact, if you go to right now and attempt to do a search, this is what you’ll find. Crazy wild.

Announcement: Erica Diamond New Spokesperson for Microsoft Office

I have been keeping this under wraps for some time until I was given the green light last Friday. Yes, I actually became a Spokesperson for one of my FAVORITE THINGS of the past 13 years… a definitely cool thing. So, since I haven’t gone one single day without using Microsoft Office since I started my first business in 1999, it was only fitting it belonged here, as one of my favorite things.

Perhaps you have been using Microsoft Office like me for many years, or perhaps you’re just getting started. If you have never heard of Office, maybe you’ve heard of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote. Yup, as a businesswoman and mom, these are some powerful and useful programs I simply cannot live without.

Is TODAY the Most Depressing of the Year? 10 Tips To Get Yourself Out of a Funk

“Christmas is over, you’ve put on weight, it’s cold out, it’s dark out, your credit card bills are in, you’re not going to get another day off until March, and you’re tired.

You might even be depressed.

If so, you are not alone, especially not today. For today, according to one measure, is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. (Montreal Gazette)

Sounds pretty gloomy. But for many, it truly is. For some, this January funk is a result of cold weather, overspending during the holidays, the state of the economy, a relat

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