After a LOT of hard work behind the scenes for many, many months, I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book!! LIST YOUR GOALS Journal: 100 Lists To…

After a LOT of hard work behind the scenes for many, many months, I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book!! LIST YOUR GOALS Journal: 100 Lists To…
Click the image above to start reclaiming your time and energy! I’m really excited for you! Check your inbox after clicking ‘YES PLEASE!’ and you will have a little roadmap to daily…
Okay, so can you tell I’m on holiday mode yet? That’s the “on the fence” issue for me right at this moment, 5m on a Wednesday, when my hubby is off from work and my kids are off from school for two weeks. More on the fence issues: what time to eat, or nap, or wake up, or play, or whatever. That’s what time off is for, I guess. No homework. No rules.