NEWSFLASH! If it makes you happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you. As we head into a new week, can you tap into what makes you happy (irrespective…

NEWSFLASH! If it makes you happy, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you. As we head into a new week, can you tap into what makes you happy (irrespective…
Happy Long Weekend for my North American Friends – Canada Day or 4th of July! I am trying to channel my younger son this long weekend who is the kind of person that just JUMPS into life. I stumbled upon this picture of him from many summers ago, and every time I see it, it reminds me to JUMP in the direction of my dreams and to always remain a free spirit. It’s funny how much we often learn from little people.
Around here, we don’t talk about self-care as it pertains to massages and manicures (although we love those). Around here we know self-care as deep healing work. Why? Because when you can master your self-care, it becomes the foundation to creating a life of balance and well-being so that you can show up better in your personal AND professional life.
Today you’re going to hear some AMAZING news… But first, are you feeling tired, stuck and burned out by any chance? What if I told you that in just 7 days, you…
Try replacing “I’m sorry” with “Thank you,” and see how your relationships and your mindset improves.
Read below to see different scenarios and examples.
Replacing negativity and apologies with positivity and gratitude in everyday life is absolutely game changing.
I am a Certified Women’s Life and Career Coach. I have worked with hundreds of women as a coach, consultant and mentor for almost 20 years. As a former Success Coach, I have studied success for thousands of hours, and have spoken on the topic countless times. Based on my research, here are my Top 12 Secrets to Success in Life and Womanhood. There are many more, but I tried to cover the ones that had the most significance. I’d love to know yours, and I’d love you to share them below.
Happy Tuesday. Today, I decided to open with a quote. Please read it above. And then read it again. What I know as truth after working with women for over twenty years…
Good morning and Happy Canadian Long Weekend Victoria Monday! I’ve wanted to compile this list for a while. Today I’m spilling the beans. Many of you have asked me over the years…
Happy #WorldMeditationDay! Alright, let’s get to it. I am sharing a lot of information with you today, but my hopes are that you absorb some of it. It is about the effects…