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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Self-Love and Compassion Meditation

Hot out of the oven, my latest meditation on Insight Timer.

Enjoy this guided mediation for compassion, self-love and self-care. You have everything inside of you that you need to live a rich life full of joy and abundance. So, go ahead and find a quiet spot, grab your earphones, get comfortable whether sitting or lying down, close your eyes and press play. ?

The Slow Fix

The other day a woman walked into a doctor’s office and issued a demand that summed up why the world is in such a mess.

“Look, I know I got a million things wrong with me, but I really don’t want a lecture,” she announced. “I just want a pill that will make it all go away.”

Spring Clean Your Life!

From relationships to finances, social media and yes, even your home, this week on Global TV, I shared spring cleaning tips that cover all the bases!

4 Steps To Finding Your Bliss

When I had to name my online course, I tried to think of a word that encompasses a feeling of pure happiness. A few came to mind: Zen, Calm, Flow, Abundance, Balance.…

A Woman Should Have…

This poem has been said to have been written by Maya Angelou, but it is written by none other than the brilliant Pamela Redmond, New York Times-bestselling author of more than 20 books of fiction and nonfiction, including the show that I binged watched, Younger, when COVID started last March. It’s an honor to have her personally share her poem with us on today in honor of International Women’s Day.

International Women’s Day: 20 Inspirational Quotes To Celebrate Women

Today, March 8th, marks the 105th anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day that honors the fight for our rights as women– to end hunger, end poverty, end domestic violence, fight for gender equality and rally around each other as women.

You all know how much I love a great quote, but I have never put together a compilation of all of my favorites in one post. On this day, on this blog, over the years, I have honored different women for #IWD. I have spotlighted trailblazing women (both known and unknown), but today I will keep it simple. I would love to share a page full of my favorite inspirational quotes for women.

23 Productivity Tips That Will Actually Make You Happier

These productivity techniques will keep you on track and happy.

1. Turn Off Alerts

It’s terribly tough to get into your Zen zone when your phone is buzzing every few minutes. Depending on how chatty your phone is, you may get notifications for everything from emails to retweets. It’s essential you shut these notifications off! Trust me, you’ll see efficiency skyrocket once you tell your phone to shut its blabbering mouth.

Overcoming COVID-19 Fatigue

Direct link to segment: We’re almost a year into COVID-19, and now waiting for vaccines. The pandemic is starting to take its toll both on morale and our mental health. This…

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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