Wise words. Especially for my Busy To Bliss students who just finished Module 3 on Time Management.
Let’s talk about the P word.
Wise words. Especially for my Busy To Bliss students who just finished Module 3 on Time Management.
Let’s talk about the P word.
The plane has landed. I guess I deserve it. I did, after all, write a blog post called ‘Born Skinny.’ My metabolism, the metabolism that had been overly kind to me for so many years officially retired a few years ago. I think due to overwork! I have since joined the rest of humanity- ass fallen, boobs headed south, beautiful cellulite, and finally the inability to eat whatever I want (that’s the worst part of all). Ahh, the wonderful world of aging. It was great while it lasted. Now I actually have to do something called, **gasp** … WORK.
Name It To Tame It We can problem solve, oh yes we can! We name it to tame it, and here’s how it’s done. I’d love your thoughts.
Our 7-Day Wellness & Self-Care Challenge is back starting Monday, February 22nd to take you into spring feeling renewed! Join women around the world again and take part in this FREE 7-day…
Happy Monday! After a great day of skiing on Saturday and the sun beating in from window, I wrote this post for all my smart ladies. I’ve coached a few women over…
It’s a brand new year. And a brand new year, means a brand new start. There is no more perfect time than NOW to make your vision board, and put your plan into action. I spoke about how to make a vision board on this morning’s weekly Global TV segment. And you’ll just have to watch to see what surprise I am sticking on this year’s vision board!
Yes, 2014 is about ACTION. This year, we’re not just talking – we’re walking our talk. And it’s gonna be powerful. This year, we’re DREAMING BIG.
The first time I was diagnosed with depression, I took three weeks off from work but still managed to keep my job. I wasn’t sleeping well at night. Worries kept me awake, and when sleep did come, I’d awaken in a head to toe sweat. Stomach aches every Monday morning, heartburn and headaches Sunday nights. There were too many symptoms to ignore.
Direct link to segment: https://globalnews.ca/video/7587743/popular-parenting-trends-for-2021 It’s time for my annual parenting trend predictions on Global TV! Spoiler alert: seeing your child’s doctor over zoom is expected/predicted to continue this year! Telemedicine helps…