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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Spring Break Insights

On my 8-day spring break holiday, I have spent so much of it listening to podcasts. It’s funny, when I feel inspired, I listen to podcasts. When I feel uninspired, I listen to MORE podcasts. My favorite is listening to business shows. That might sound weird to you, but I have after all, started 3 businesses and sold one.

This morning on my meditative walk by the ocean, I wanted to share with you a few insights as to my learnings this week in podcast life:

The Power of Forgiveness and The Cancer of Holding a Grudge

“Forgiveness is powerful and hate is too, but one heals and the other destroys. Determine what end you want to be on because they both affect your life and that of others. Lessen the burden on your spirit by carrying less anger and more love instead. Don’t hold yourself hostage to what impedes your growth. –Marala Scott

Unplugging For A Digital Detox

I was back at my Wednesday morning home. But I will miss my Global TV viewers for the next two weeks! I will see everyone back Wednesday, March 18th. I am practicing what I preached this morning at 8:20am.

Kids going on spring break in March?

This morning I shared how to unplug and be a more present parent throughout Spring Break. We aren’t just seeing kids glued to their screens, parents are as well. To ensure the time we have with our kids this spring break is quality time, how can parents unplug?

On Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Some bosses are tough, aggressive, direct, and curt. That might be considered acceptable behavior, even if it doesn’t suit you. But harassment and abuse are not acceptable. It can be hard to tell the difference, particularly when you’ve been heating up degree by degree. That’s what I found from my research on Millennials at work.

Over the course of two years, I interviewed over 200 high performing, high potential women and men to explore how young leaders develop. Through story analysis, we found twelve important challenges that almost everyone faces during their first ten years of work. Sadly, working with an office villain is among them.

Erika Kawalek: Exploring Women’s Pleasure

Welcome back to the second season of the Erica Diamond Podcast! WARNING: if you’re prudish, you might want to sit this episode out. However, if you’re not, and if you come to realize that women’s pleasure and sexuality are a part of everyday life, I think it’s definitely worth tuning in.

I grew up with Erika Kawalek and was pretty blown away by her career path since we lost touch after high school.

If you’re a follower of my work, you know that I don’t shy away from hard topics. I actually welcome them! And because this topic has become so mainstream – thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow’s new Netflix Show The GOOP LAB, and specifically “THAT episode,” that’s why this conversation is taking place. Betty Dodson and her famous Bodysex circles exist to decrease shame around our bodies and heal ourselves from previous trauma, allowing women to experience pleasure in and out of the bedroom.

Keto, Whole 30, Paleo, Oh My! So, What SHOULD I Eat?

The U.S. News & World has released their 10th annual ranking of the best and worst diets in 2019. 

They looked at 35, including Keto, Whole 30, and Paleo, concluding that many of the most popular diets ranked among the WORST in terms of safety, weight loss, nutritional adequacy and sustainability (ease of following).  

For example, the Ketogenic Diet ranked almost last at #34. This is a popular, very low carbohydrate diet which puts the body into a state of fat burning for energy. Experts gave it very low scores for safety, nutrition, long-term weight loss, heart health, and ease of following. I personally agree that it is unnecessarily restrictive for most people, and comes with too many potential drawbacks. 

Off the Fence and Saying Goodbye to Women on the Fence

Sometimes, you just know when it’s time for a change. When it’s time to take a new path, shake up your look, or look at life from a new perspective.

Or, in my case, reinvent your brand for a new decade. (Keep reading for the big reveal!)

For me, that moment came in the Winter of 2019 at the Blissdom conference for women’s lifestyle content creators. I used to attend these conferences regularly, back when they were conferences primarily for mom bloggers and the brands that wanted to work with them. It was the perfect event for me to attend as the creator of the Women on the Fence brand. But over the last few years, I had skipped the annual event.

Making New Friends After 50

I just finished reading the book Rules for Visiting by Jessica Francis Kane.  I discovered it quite fortuitously; I think I was googling ‘loneliness’ as a theme in novels and it popped up.

At first, I was put off thinking it might be a book about visiting someone sick at a hospital… but when I read the synopsis, I was immediately intrigued.  The premise about an unmarried 40-year old woman who mostly keeps to herself and lives in her childhood home with her aging father, who suddenly decides to explore the meaning of “friends” and embarks on a friendship journey – got me to immediately click purchase!

Sunday Night Checklist

Happy Self Care Sunday!

Here is my Sunday night checklist. If you can commit to a minimum of 4 tonight, that’s really wonderful. 

Please let me know how it goes for you either in a comment below or via email.

8 Weird Reasons You’re Tired All the Time

You stayed up late binge-watching The Crown. Then you woke up extra early to beat the boss to the office. Some days, there’s no mystery as to why you need an extra shot of espresso (and if you can’t sleep no matter what you try, check out these 10 sleep myths and real solutions for better shuteye.)

But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn’t so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame. “It’s like asking a pediatrician why a baby is crying; the answer could be any number of things,” says Tanvir Hussain, MD, a preventive cardiologist in Los Angeles.

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