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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

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So, You Wanna Be Happy? Here’s the Latest Research and it’s Fascinating

Hilly and I took a Thanksgiving drive up north last weekend. As you can see, fall is in full bloom!

This drive was a pure happiness booster for me.

Speaking of happiness, who wants some of the latest research out of Yale University on happiness?

It turns out that genetics account for 50% of your happiness. So, are you a glass half empty or half full kind of person? That matters quite a bit. But here’s where the research gets interesting: only 10% of our happiness comes from what happens to us, and that means all the big things- death, divorce, job loss… You know what accounts for the other big chunk of 40%? Actions, thoughts and habits. Yes, the research shows us that almost half is under our daily control— and that’s a really important piece here. Our activities have a huge impact on our happiness.

It’s the daily habits that done over time, will have a major effect on our happiness index- so our habits and thoughts and actions will effect us positively, OR negatively.



The question is, what will we do with this knowledge now? Especially during these challenging times we’ve been living through.

Well, we can start by not blaming our unhappiness on life circumstance (I know that’s difficult), and start to take our power back. We can start working on our own happiness – getting up earlier in the morning, meditating, getting our space organized around us, planning in advance, committing to staying connected socially, moving our bodies every day, sleeping more, eating more good food, set goals, practice gratitude, embracing forgiveness and less grudge holding, and much more.

We can start to rewire our brain for more joy and happiness.

When you know better, you do better.

If you’re looking to send loving attention to the self and learn new practices and ways to restore and re-energize, I’m here to help.

Happy Monday,

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Erica Diamond


Teaching women how to prioritize SELF-CARE, Erica Diamond is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Lifestyle and Parenting Correspondent on Global TV, Founder of Bliss Essential (, Professional Speaker, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss (, Author of the women’s entrepreneurial book 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Starting Their Own Business, and Founder & Editor-In-Chief of the Award-Winning Lifestyle Platform® (previously®). Erica Diamond has been named to the coveted list of The Top 20 Women in Canada, FORBES Magazine’s Top 100 Sites for Women and a Profit Hot 50 Canadian Company. Erica Diamond was the Spokesperson for National Entrepreneurship Day and is a Huffington Post contributor.

1 Comment
  1. Either half-empty or half-full, both are not fully filled. It is so sad to know that already 50% of happiness comes from genetic setpoint. The only half you’re left is 10% of which is you can’t control and 40% that you can control and very possibly probably mess up. So you really need to think through all the things you can control and accept what you can’t.

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