Let’s think of this as your Wordless Wednesday (so I’ll keep it short). Or your Wisdom Wednesday. Or your Wake Up Wednesday.

Definition ‘ You Do You, Boo’ Urban Dictionary: When a person wants to do something that will cause them to be judged but they do it anyway. “Joanne wants to wear her hair in pigtails but she is getting weird looks from her classmates but her friend Ella likes them and says “you do you boo.”

It’s easy to get caught up looking at other people’s gardens, or lifestyles, or followers, and compare it to yours. Your homework on this Hump Day is to do you, boo.

Do your thing, do it well, enjoy it, be crazy and wild while you do it, and stop giving a shit about what others are doing.

You do you, boo.

Bloom where you are planted today. Create your own happiness with what you have built for yourself right at this very moment. It’s okay if it doesn’t look like someone else’s version of happiness.

You do you, boo.

You do you, boo.

And that’s an order.

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Erica Diamond


On a global mission to Redefine Self-Care, Erica Diamond is a sought-after Media Expert, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Founder of Bliss Essential Oils, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss, Certified Life & Career Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and Founder of the award-winning women's empowerment brand EricaDiamond.com®