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Month: February 2013

Wordless Wednesday: It’s Time To #GetOffTheFence!

I just finished our shoot for the Get Off The Fence Movement video. I am on Cloud 9. I am so proud. I am so excited. My dream for this Movement is so big. Some plans in the works — to interview and showcase stories of other people who have gotten off the fence, and can teach others how to do the same. I also envision GET OFF THE FENCE Speaker Series in major cities– free for the public to attend, whereby attendees leave with their own GET OFF THE FENCE action plans. I hope you will help me share the Movement when it launches.

The Successful Entrepreneur: Fairy Tale or Truth?

Do you ever feel like your pursuit of your “dream career as an entrepreneur” is just a big, fat waste of time? That no matter what you do, what path you take, there always seems to be a roadblock in the way? And it seems almost pointless to try harder, or even think about it?

Wordless Wednesday: Making The Best Out Of Any Situation

I haven’t checked in since last week, as my kids are on Winter Break this week, and I have been trying to spend some good quality time with them. Good quality time that came to a screeeeeching halt on Monday. I’ll spare you the projectile vomit details that came two hours after my 9-year-old son hit his head on an ice slide after skiing on Monday.

The Global GET OFF THE FENCE Movement

It is with great excitment and joy that I share this news today with you, my incredible Women On The Fence readers. This has been over three years in the making. If you have been following on Facebook or Twitter, you might have seen that I am starting a movement. Yes, a MOVEMENT. It was an AHA moment that hit me over the head like a ton of bricks. The Worldwide GET OFF THE FENCE Movement is coming!

Are You Comfortable Being Alone?

Happy Monday! I’ll admit, I’m off to a late start today. I skipped the gym and snuggled in bed with my man who came home late last night after a 4-day business trip. I even watched my favorite Grammy performances all over again this morning. The Grammys are MY Super Bowl, and honestly, if it weren’t for the music, I don’t know where I’d be. Call it cheesy, but whenever times have ever been rough, it has been my music that has saved me.

Why You Should Run Your Home Like a Business: How To Declutter and Get Organized

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible to keep it all together at work, yet at home, it’s a struggle to get anyone to even put their dishes in the sink? You are not alone if your house looks or feels like an episode straight out of Hoarders.

As a Home Organizing Expert, one of the most common complaints I hear is: “Why am I so organized at work, however my house is filled with clutter?”

How To Monetize Online and Grow Your Brand

Many of you have asked where you can watch last week’s national segment again, where I shared tips on how to make money online. If you’re looking to start a career from home, there are many options and strategies to examine.

On Settling

I never thought divorce would happen to me. I had a friend who was going through one at the same time that I was. Her favorite thing to say was, “I didn’t get married to get divorced.” Really? ‘Cause I did! Planned it from the start! After countless times of hearing this precious little phrase, I wanted to knock this girl to kingdom come.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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