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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Spring Break

It’s that time again – Spring Break. My kids are off next week, and whenever they are, my gift to them is to take a blogging hiatus and lighten the load.

How To Answer Your Kids’ Toughest Questions

On this morning’s weekly parenting segment for Global TV, I talked about How To Answer Your Kids’ Tough Questions.

Well my friends… the research is in. Skirting around the tough issues because you’re too uncomfortable to talk about them with your children, just ain’t gonna cut it. We all need to start getting super comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Alpha Wives, Beta Husbands

Are you the breadwinner in your relationship? Are you making more money than your husband? Are you frustrated and resentful, or are you proud and grateful? Could you be with a man if you were the one working and bringing home the bacon, and he was the one organizing playdates and park excursions? I have a few coaching clients currently in this position… they’re called Alpha Wives, or Breadwinning Wives. And they exist in large numbers today.

6 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Spicy on Valentine’s Day and Beyond

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovebirds! I’ve been with my husband for 20 years and so far neither of us has cheated. We have something really great, but if you read my blog, you’d know it wasn’t always so good. We had our troubles and issues in our marriage, same as all couples. I will tell you that it is what we chose to do about our issues, that has kept our love thriving and our marriage hot. Prepare to change your thinking!

WATCH: Erica Diamond on #HuffPost Live

I was honored this week when The Huffington Post asked me to weigh in on a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, and something I have been coaching for years – how to live a happy, peaceful and thriving existence in life and business. Arianna Huffington, Editor-In-Chief of The Huffington Post recently founded The Third Metric: Redefining Success Beyond Money and Power (now a website, video and conference). She talks about the third metric for success, which I will further explain below in an infographic.

Six Secrets For Your Son’s Success In School

‘Let’s face it; I’m stupid. You know it, I know it, and my parents know it!”
These words were spoken in anguish and anger to me by Chad, a 12-year-old student in my office back when I was a principal. He reflected a profound problem that I could no longer ignore. I had seen too many boys who did not succeed in school.

I knew he was not stupid, and his parents saw him as a smart, if unfocused, child. But our opinions no longer mattered. His experience in school had convinced him otherwise. He dropped out a few years later and I was saddened, but not surprised.

Shock and Awe

It has been a tragic weekend for the film industry: we lost one of the most talented actors of our generation, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Dylan Farrow, film director Woody Allen’s adoptive daughter came out with some harrowing news. I felt compelled to weigh in briefly on these two serious matters.

Recipes and Tips for Healthy Eating on Super Bowl Weekend

One of America’s favorite pastimes is gathering for the Super Bowl, which often involves a spread of unhealthy food options. But you know what? Spending time with your friends and cheering for your favorite team should not have to add to your waistline! Eating clean can be easy, even at parties. You just need the tips and tools, and I’m excited to share them here for Women On The Fence readers!

My method is simple: I trim food decisions into a simple guide to eating right. The concept: 51 Food Laws to take with you to the grocery store. Perfect for Super Bowl Weekend!

Wordless Wednesday: Happy One-Year Anniversary!

This week is the one-year anniversary of our show The Morning News on Global TV. Today is MY 1-year anniversary with the show. We are now a growing baby, and I am grateful to work with this incredible team every Wednesday morning. Happy Anniversary to us Richard, Camille and Jess!!

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